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February 08, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So, the Democrats have revealed their new agenda, which they call the Green Nude Eel, and it's getting a lot of ink and TV time because its spokesperson is the photogenic Miss Alexandria Googly-Eyes, who describes it as, get this, 'the Great Society, the moon shot, the civil rights movement of our generation.' So they want to fix everything all at once, in one fell swoop. She should ask Russia and China how well those types of programs worked out. And a lot of it is just laughable, like everyone is going to get a guaranteed income, even those who refuse to work. Gee, what could ever go wrong with that? The Green Nude Eel is nothing less than a transformation of the country to full-bore socialism, but they're going to defend it with, once again, a little motte-and-bailey switcheroo. Jeff Merkley, the idiot senator from Oregon was asked to define socialism and his response was: 'Well, it is a society coming together to increase the standard of living of our seniors, and that is pretty much the definition.' Good Lord, what an absolute moron. But you see what's he's doing, I mean, who could be against taking care of seniors, right? In that way, socialism is a lot like abortion: the only way you can get majorities to support it is to not tell them what exactly is in it. Because 'healthcare for women' sounds infinitely better than 'slicing up living, breathing babies in the womb' just like 'taking care of seniors' sounds infinitely better than 'bread lines, gulags, and equally distributed misery.'"
"It's OK When We Do It, Part CXLVIII":
Troll Level: Wizard
OK, I Laffed:
Look, A Voice-Activated, Radio-Controlled, Mobile Hedge Clipper - What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
BB on Friday (with doggeh!):

(click for bigger BB)
A Bad Boy For the 'Ettes:
Wednesday's celebrities: Jean Peters and Michael Caine.
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Brought To You By the Super Cereal Café:

(h/t, as usual, to
Food Porn on Twitter)

posted by OregonMuse at
11:21 AM
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