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February 05, 2019
NBC Sissy: My Fellow Brave Firefighters, You Must Do Your Brave Firefighter Duty and Snitch to Your Twitter Teacher If Any of Your Classmates Tell You to Learn to Code
Say, didn't our own Mis.Hum. get immediately banned after tweeting "Learn to Code" to Jake Tapper?
And didn't I ask on this blog if he had snitched?
And didn't Jake Tapper harangue me for hours when, during Obama's Inauguration, one of the cobloggers on this blog claimed he'd said something extremely liberal-partisan on the air?
When I checked the tape, the comment definitely was said -- so someone on ABCNews' coverage team said it.
It turned out to be his co-host Terry Moran -- but Tapper wouldn't tell me who else was on the air who might have uttered this particular comment. He just kept demanding a retraction, without giving me the actual information necessary to make a correction.
Although, you know, by screaming that it wasn't him, he was indirectly ratting out Terry Moran. It took a while, but it was inevitable I'd identify the voice making the disputed statement.
So he does sure seem to know what's said on this blog, minutes after it's said.
So why didn't he answer when I asked if he had become a Twitter Snitch?
He responds to just about every negative mention of his name -- he must have GoogleAlerts set up to report to him when anyone is denigrating the good and fine name of Jake Tapper, former spokesman of Handgun Control, Inc. and former Salon boy reporter.
So why isn't he saying "No, I didn't snitch"?
Is it because he is a snitch-bitch?
So, on that general topic, here's a snitch-bitch reporter who's not afraid to brag that he's a brave snitch.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:25 PM
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