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February 04, 2019
YASSS: Evidence-Preservation Letters Sent to 54 Individuals and Organizations in the Covington Kids Defamation Suit
The letters were sent to the following media entities on Friday:
The Washington Post
The New York Times
Cable News Network, Inc. (CNN)
The Guardian
National Public Radio
Atlantic Media Inc.
Capitol Hill Publishing Corp.
Diocese of Covington
Diocese of Lexington
Archdiocese of Louisville
Diocese of Baltimore
Ana Cabrera
Sara Sidner
Erin Burnett
S.E. Cupp
Elliot C. McLaughlin
Amanda Watts
Emanuella Grinberg
Michelle Boorstein
Cleve R. Wootson Jr.
Antonio Olivo
Joe Heim
Michael E. Miller
Eli Rosenberg
Isaac Stanley-Becker
Kristine Phillips
Sarah Mervosh
Emily S. Rueb
Maggie Haberman
David Brooks
Shannon Doyne
Kurt Eichenwald
Andrea Mitchell
Savannah Guthrie
Joy Reid
Chuck Todd
Noah Berlatsky
Elisha Fieldstadt
Eun Kyung Kim
Bill Maher
Warner Media
Conde Nast
The Hill
The Atlantic
Ilhan Omar
Elizabeth Warren
Kathy Griffin
Alyssa Milano
Jim Carrey
The lawyers also released a video called 15 Minutes to Learn the Truth, which is just a short 15 minute video of what really happened at the incident. They're releasing that to prove how easy it would have been for these "reporters" to have actually confirmed or debunked the stories. This therefore establishes that they were grossly, wilfully negligent in not even taking fifteen minutes before defaming children and exposing them to hatred, doxxing, intimidation and threats of assault and even death.
That video at the link.
Discovery is going to be FIRE.

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:40 PM
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