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February 01, 2019
Media Death Spiral: McClatchy Announces That 10% of Its Staff Will Have to Learn To Code In The Next Few Weeks
Flashback: "Coonman" Northam Refused to Shake Black Opponent's Hand
Ha ha, charade you are.
Die faster.
Unfortunately, they won't be getting shitcanned completely; they'll be offered buy-outs first.
Let's check in with a Real Republican ally of Bill Kristol's:
And PS, Ralph "Coonman" Northam declared a week ago A National Day of Racial Healing.
Even though he can only do so for a state.
WHEREAS, racial divisiveness in America's urban, rural, suburban, and tribal communities threatens the very core of this great country; and
WHEREAS, just like those who came before us, it is our duty to protect the children of this country and maintain communities where all have the opportunity to succeed; and
WHEREAS, we understand and recognize that there is a racial divide in our country and we must all work earnestly to heal the wounds created by racial, ethnic, and religious bias and build an equitable and just society so that all children can thrive; and
WHEREAS, sometimes you just want to paint your face black and wear some funky duds and start talking in nothing but Nipsey Russell poetry; and
WHEREAS, sometimes you just want to get your Klan on with a great big pointy Kleagle Kap; and
WHEREAS, sometimes you look at a whiny crying baby with the Smirk of Entitlement and think "what a punchable face, I think I'll make that baby comfortable in the garbage;"
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ralph "Coonman" Northam, do hereby recognize January 22, 2019, as NATIONAL DAY OF RACIAL HEALING in our COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, and I call this observance to the attention of all our citizens.
lol get fucked Literal Hitler.
Coonman Fears Cooties: That time he refused to touch a black man's hand.
Update: Marcus T tips:
Northam is done. I just talked to a contact in DC. Thinking is Democrats dump Northam they get to fly their so-called flag against racism. They get a new governor with the right racial optics going into 2020. They get to stop the backlash against abortion measures and put it on the back burner. Perfect op for diversion and distractions.
They don't want Republicans pointing to this at every juncture- and even those incompetents will.
He's done. When consultants start talking like this the party will make a push.
Derrick Johnson
Black face in any manner is always racist and never okay. No matter the party affiliation, we can not stand for such behavior, which is why the @NAACP is calling for the resignation of Virginia Governor
Well, this has to be bad news: One of his earliest, highest profile supporters, the very conservative Jen Rubin, now calls his black Lt. Gov. "eloquent."
It's not racist when you do the "speaks so well" condescension in a nice way, right?
What does donor/supporter Bill Kristol say? Is Bill still standing by his man, baking cookies?
Via Instapundit, who I'm told linked Brian in NO for his "Partial Birth of a Nation" joke, the greatest chyron of all time: