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January 30, 2019
Continuation of Last Thread: NeverTrump Favorite, Governor Ralph Northam, Endorses Post-Birth Abortion (AKA Murder)
It seems this is a big enough topic to deserve a longer period of discussion. When I see comments trailing off, I'll put up a thread about a new subject.
By the way: How many leftwing media types are going to quiz all of the Democrat Presidential hopefuls about whether they agree with Northam's stance on post-birth murder?
How about zero? Does zero sound like a plausible number?
Read! Or re-read. Let this be the ignominious end of "passive conservatism," which can be less charitably described as "Trick the rubes into voting for socially liberal candidates who only really care about doing favors for the US Chamber of Commerce and Google."
The Festival of Unmasking continues. It is ugly, but the truth is vital, and we should not shy away from it, no matter how ugly it is.
A Lot of Johnny Come Latelies Saying They're Shocked, Shocked to See Democrat Politics Going on In a Democratic Government They Supported: The NeverTrump Reagan Battalion just can't believe that leftwingers would do leftwing things, or that a leftwing newspaper would provide biased coverage:
Thanks to Anonysaurus Wrecks.
Gee, if only there had been a reasonable, Establishment, milquetoast candidate whose name rhymes with "Ed Gillespie" the NeverTrumpers could have supported instead of Ralph Northam...
Ah well. If wishes were fishes, we'd all have a tasty lunch!!
Well the important thing was Teaching Trump a Lesson.
Oh, How Puckish!!!! Hillary Clinton supporter feels that it is in his best economic interests to pretend to have some kind of negative reaction to an elected Democrat supporting post-birth abortion.
Weird that there's so much lying from the people who tell me they're Highly Principled Conservatives every fucking day.
You'd think "lying" would be right near the top of the "Don't" list for Highly Principled Conservatives but it turns out, naah. The first 10 slots on the "Don't" list involve supporting border enforcement.
The important thing is signalling your fake virtue on Twitter. Can you maybe come up with a half-hearted hashtag? Something like #ChooseLifeUnlessYouWantToTeachTrumpaLesson? That should impress the rubes.
Update: A friend points out that super-conservative Republican Strategist (or whatever) and Occasional Guest of the Qatars Rick Wilson has nothing to say about this controversy.
He was strangely absent for the Kavanaugh smears, too.
Oh well -- maybe he's just really building up to go OFF on Don Lemon's show tonight. He probably doesn't want to waste ANY of his FURY on Twitter!!!
That must be it!!!
(Even though he's another Twitter Loser who basically lives his life as one of the Extremely Online.)
Pretty quiet from Bill Kristol, too. Though he can tell you about a deeeelightful bookshop in an upscale part of North Carolina (not one of those icky parts where Deplorables live).
Because a bookshop in Raleigh is the big issue of the day.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:21 PM
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