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January 30, 2019

The Morning Rant

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"You know, it's kind of sad to see journos getting all pissypants about being yelled at to "learn to code" on social media because they've been laid off. Their attitude is, like, what did we ever do to deserve such calumny. Well, let me tell you: I think the reason you see so many commenters on my side of the aisle sporting such gigantic schadenboners because of the loss of jobs in "journalism" is the fact that modern journalism is nothing but a litany of failure, and it's chief perpetrators refuse to see it, or even see there that there even *might be* a credibility problem: The UVA rapes that never happened, Duke Lacrosse rape case, Covington Catholic, the NAACP "bombing" that wasn’t, church fires and swastikas painted on synagogues that turn out to be set by liberal activists, attacks by Trump supporters, that weren't, the Jewish cemetery vandalism, racist remarks scribbled on credit card receipts at restaurants, etc. And all reported with hair-on-fire urgency and hyped 24/7. And all fake news. And the bad actors never seem to suffer any consequences for their spreading of fake news. They just drop the fake story and go on to the next fake story. And it's not like they get a few things wrong, they seem to get *everything* wrong. And the more they screw it up, the more outraged they become when we sneer at them. It's like they're not real journalists. They've killed real journalism and they're now walking around in journalism's skin and demanding respect."

(h/t @RobProvince)

Fonda Blumenthat Phillips Vietnam.jpg

Talcum X Gets Strapped:

street cred.jpg

"He's a baaaad mutha! (Shut yo' mouth!)
Talkin' 'bout the King (Shaun King!)
Can you dig it?"

Hillary's New Job:

hillary - costco.jpg

Thinking about how she must've felt, about having to go to a (shudder) Costco store, to flog her book and to maintain her public visibility for 2020, to have to talk to fat women on motorized wheelchairs, workers who make less than $13 an hour, and in general, people who are unable to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, makes me very happy and warm on the inside.

Word Play

A Man of Many Talents:

Who Dis:

beauty 20.jpg

And For the 'Ettes:

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Monday's celebrities: Amanda Blake and James Arness. They played the lead roles on the 1955-1975 TV series Gunsmoke.

AoSHQ Weekly Prayer List

For submission guidelines and other relevant info, please contact FenelonSpoke, who is managing the prayer list. You can contact her at

fenelon direction 18 circle 'a' gmail dot com

(All one word, no spaces)

If you see a prayer request posted in a thread comment, feel free to copy and paste it and e-mail it to her.

BLOG NOTE: It has come to our attention that one or more commenters are using the comments as a means to promote personal Go-Fund-Me pages. Because of possible negative legal ramifications to Ace and the cobs, we ask that you kindly discontinue the practice. The prayer list is where this new policy is being implemented first. There will be a more general notification later on.

Job Needs:

Kallisto has part-time job. She thanks everybody for prayers. Please continue to pray as she needs a full-time job.

MikeTheMoose was laid off from his company of 10 years. Is a control engineer. Needs job.

Prayers for comfort and strength after deaths:

Prayers for Jewells and her family. Her dear mother has died.

Prayers for PatrickinOhio and family after death of his sister in law from cancer

Prayers for Jim New Sunk Dawn and his family, His dear step mom just died

Continuing requests:

Prayers for RickL tumor has grown and has second one in lung. Prayers for complete healing

-Cheribebe asks for “extra prayer boost from horde.” Insurance dragging heels about new chemo treatment and bills are rolling in and finances are snug. Prayers for healing and that situations and insurance may be worked for her benefit.

-Calm Mentor is going through a very difficult time right now. He is at his last bit of money. Please pray that he gets a job.

-Prayers for Slapweasel, Parents have moved in with him.. Mom had stroke in June. Dad has dementia and doesn’t know where he is sometimes, Slap is caring for them so he needs prayer as well He also needs a donor for a liver transplant.

12/12-JTB’s cousin has a malignant tumor on pancreas. Needs healing

12/13-BuckIV need prayer for family of his sister whose husband just died after 5 week battle with cancer.

Buck’s sister also has breast cancer which has metastasized to bones. Also, Buck himself asked for prayers that bladder cancer not progress to worse type.

12/24-Renningantx asked for prayers for his uncle Jimmy who had been cancer free for 12 years but aggressive cancer has returned and he has a doctors apt this week. Prayers for complete healing.

12/30-LadyL asked for prayers for healing for a dear friend, Jean, who has had a recurrence of Mantle Cell Lymphoma, which is an aggressive cancer and hard to treat

12/30-JQ’s father has advanced prostrate cancer and has been having a lot of pain, JQ works full time and so needs to find a place where dad can be cared for.

12/30-Bebe’sBoobsDestroy- asked for prayer for “D” a friend of her brother, D needs to see things clearly and get out of a destructive relationship.

12/30-MyShariaMoor asked for prayers for his GF Robin who is an occasional lurker. Robin has an hard life and an abusive husband but come through it all. She became a deck hand on a water taxi and did such a good job they want to promote her, but course work and licensing to become a captain costs money she doesn’t have at the moment.

1/1-Cfo mom asked for prayers for complete healing for “Jim-her daughter-in-laws father and grandson’s Papa. Jim had hip replacement (Thanks for prayers, everyone), but recently femur fractured horribly and he had a 10 hour surgery with pins and cables. Jim’s father died from complications from surgery replacement surgery so everyone is concerned.

1/1-Captain Josepha Sabin asked for prayers for their non biological daughter. She is just ten years old and is going to have surgery soon for a brain tumor. Prayers for complete healing and skill for surgeon.

1/3-MWR and her husband are starting second IVF cycle as they try to conceive a child. Would like prayers for patience, trust and hope and for doctors and team as they graciously give of their time and expertise.

1/9-Antisocialists dear friend had a kidney transplant, Prayers for a successful recovery recovery.

1/9- Red asked for prayers for his friend Rita V. whose father died in Fall and has a son who has entered inpatient drug rehab the day after Christmas . Prayers for recovery for son and strength for mom.

1/9-Nickrp has stage-4 lymphoma. Battling to stay in remission has taken a toll on him financially, emotionally, and physically. Wife is disabled. Prayers for health and financial stability. He has a GoFundMe site with a picture of his family:

1/11-bensdad00 had combination pacemaker and defibrillator put in. Needs success for healing so he can get back to work.

1/14-PaleRider asked for prayer for her brother who had a colonoscopy. Waiting for results. Don’t think it’s cancer but he may have Crohn’s disease. Prayers for solid diagnosis and successful treatment.

1/14-Molly K asked for prayers for her daughter, 18 or so weeks pregnant. Baby is expected to pass in 2 weeks or at birth. Lymphatic and circulatory systems didn’t hook up right and baby is filling up with fluid. Daughter has decided to not have an abortion..Please pray for entire family for strength and comfort

1/16-NorthernLurker needs job or business, sense of direction, and vision and ambition in terms of future occupation.


1/29 Mrs. Empire1 thanks everybody for prayers for Mr. Empire who is now in rehab for about 11 days and is bored’ She wanted to gives prayers of thanksgiving and blessing for the great rehab staff and also asked for prayers that Mr. Empire continue on road for complete recovery and perhaps be able to come home soon .

1/29-PookysGirl report that Pooky started EMDR therapy to rewire his brain to alleviate his flashbacks. It’s tough because session are weekly and they’re uncovering more landmines. Prayers for successful treatment and also for strength PG who is trying to be a support but isn’t trained in EMDR

1/26-chrjp-Recovering slowly from neurosurgery but very tired and sometimes sitting up is all he can do. Clinical trial through NIH was not successful as tumor is growing too rapidly. Trying to find another treatment option that offers some hope for which he may be eligible. This week he asks for God’s help in choosing a path forward to get treatment and he and wife can find hope for future

1/30-Backwards Gal is back home (has been for a week or so) after scary blood pressure drop and transfusion , B Guy thanks everyone for their prayers, He didn’t ask for this prayer but I am. He’s having financial issues because of gigs being cancelled Please pray for that situation as well. Thx

New requests:

1/17- TonyPete asked for prayers for his granddaughters and daughter caught in bad family situation that has no immediate relief. Prayers for them and that daughter might gain wisdom to do good and not harm.

1/18-Mr. Empire1 will be transferred to a place for physical therapy after his fall and hospitalization. Mrs. Empire1 thanks people for their prayers. Please keep him in your prayers for healing and strengthening.

1/23 TroyRiser's mother, Judy has inoperable lung cancer. Please pray that she has a peaceful passage from this life to God

1/23-Prayers for Uncle Palpatine who was in a serious car accident a while back and needs continued healing and strengthening.

1/29 1/17-Mrs. Vic had surgery but it did not close hole in throat. Will need more surgery probably to be scheduled in March, Please keep she and Vic in prayer.

1/28-Tony “Locknar” in Tampa reports that his 90 year old grandmother had bad stroke about two weeks ago. She is now in aggressive rehab and heasked for prayers that she be able to be at home unassisted if that is her wish

1/28 BCochran has fluid in shoulder and can’t raise hand or arm above shoulder high. He was getting it drained and another injection but please pray for healing for him

1/29-Lin-Duh asked for prayers for good outcome for health issue, Will find out tomorrow where she stands. Not life threatening but major.

1/30 FenelonSpoke asks for prayers for D, a member of her congregation, who has had major problems since the summer, has no job and needs money. Is waiting to hear about a job interview he had on Monday.

Please remember the Prayer of St. Francis:

*Due to space constraints prayer requests will be removed after 5 weeks, unless updated. Please let me know. Please copy list and pray for earlier requests. Contact Fenelon at Fenelondirection18 at gmail dot com.

Today's Edition Of The Morning Rant Is Brought To You By Caramel Cheesecake:

caramel cheesecake.jpg
(h/t Food Porn on Twitter)

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posted by OregonMuse at 11:20 AM

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