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January 25, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So, this week, the media's Covington narrative collapsed faster than Bill Clinton's pants at a hookers' convention. It was discovered that Nathan Phillips, touted by the MSM as a 'respected tribal elder', was lying his ass off: He lied about who he was, he lied about being mocked, he lied 8 different ways about his military service, he lied about why he approached a group of kids at a pro-life march, in short, he lied about everything. Heck, Jane Fonda has spent more time in Vietnam than Phillips ever has. All Phillips does is annoy people. He can be accurately described as a professional protestor/agitator and far from being a 'respected' elder, Native Americans don't think much of him. He was at the pro-life march for one reason only: to provoke an incident, and then cry about it to a sympathetic media. Of course the media believed every word he said and didn't bother to do any actual fact-checking. Yeah, 2019 is looking like another kick-ass year for the MSM. And it's not even February."
Hat Crime:
Anatomy of A Failure:
Let's unpack this stupid lede:
"A viral story spread."
(Translation: we reported a bunch of lies and bullshit)
"The mainstream media rushed to keep up"
(Translation: When we started getting called out on our lies and bullshit, we doubled down on it)
"The Trump internet pounced."
(Translation: when it became obvious that our reporting was all lies and bullshit, we made ourselves out to be the victims)
And what, exactly, is "the Trump Internet", anyway? Is there some part of the internet that he owns, and where he can dictate what users can and cannot say?
Without Honor:
Chief Spreading Bull
A Handy Venn Diagram:
Bardot on Friday:
For the 'Ettes:
Tuesday's celebs were Tuesday Weld, Charles Bronson, and Congressman and Mrs. Dan Crenshaw
Friday Shoe Pr0n:
Today's Rant Has Been Brought To You By Pancakes:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:13 AM
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