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January 21, 2019
The Morning Rant

"So, according to media reports, during last Friday's March For Life March, a bunch of kids from a Catholic school, all wearing MAGA hats, piled out of a school bus, surrounded a completely peaceful Native American guy who was just standing there minding his own business, and yelled and screamed and jeered at him in between their chants of 'build the wall.' Except, it didn't happen that way at all. But that won't stop the progs from believing that it did until the day they die. I can just see a bunch of worn-out geezers at an Old Progs Home sitting in their rocking chairs out on the front porch, perhaps wearing faded old Bernie T-shirts, and then one of them turns to the others and says, 'Remember that time when those Catholic school kids killed Elizabeth Warren? Curse Donald Trump!' and the rest all nod sagely and raise their trembling fists in a '#Resist' salute."
This Is Sane:
Another Day, Another Progressive Narrative Blown Out Of The Water:
...But Not Before Breaking A Few Eggs:
"It's OK When We Do It", Part CXLVIII:
Who Dis
(click for bigger)Hint: she's a repeat
'Ettes Beware! Extremely Toxic Masculinity Ahead:

Note: If you don't know who this gentleman is, there's a big clue in the photo, right above his sinewy, muscular arms.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:10 AM
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