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January 17, 2019
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Ace is correct...they hate us and everything we stand for and believe in and want for our families and our country. It's difficult not to assume that when their vitriol is so obvious and so poorly hidden. They believe -- truly believe! -- that they are on the correct side of history; that their world-view is ascendant, that concepts that the founders depended upon in the creation of America are outdated and incapable of guiding the country.
Victor Davis Hanson eviscerates them here, and his perspective is based on a profound understanding of the real arc of history...the one in which statists and anti-freedom zealots build reeducation camps and gas chambers.
A License To Hate
Recently on CNN, former Republican politico and now Never Trump cable new[s] analyst Rick Wilson characterized Donald Trump’s supporters as his “credulous rube ten-toothed base.”
Wilson was not original in his smear of the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump. He was likely resonating an earlier slander of Politico reporter Marco Caputo. The latter had tweeted of the crowd he saw at a Trump rally: “If you put everyone’s mouths together in this video, you’d get a full set of teeth.”
Was the point of these stereotypes that poor white working-class people who supposedly voted for the controversial Trump understandably ate improperly, did not practice proper dental hygiene, or did not visit dentists—or all three combined?
When challenged, Caputo doubled down on his invective. He snarled, “Oh no! I made fun of garbage people jeering at another person as they falsely accused him of lying and flipped him off. Someone fetch a fainting couch.”
Caputo’s “Garbage people” was also a synonym for the smears that two career FBI agents on separate occasions had called the archetypical Trump voters.
It goes on, and is well worth a read. What fascinates me is the easy contempt of the very people who have made their lives immeasurably better..the factory workers and wheat farmers and literal garbage men and the plumbers and electricians and carpenters and the guy who cheerfully plows their roads at 2:00am during blizzards...
These are the soft-handed pseudo-men who love the Gillette commercial and wax poetic about inside-the-beltway inanities, but can't change a tire or cook a meal or hammer a nail.
The sad thing about these people is that they feel contempt for the everyman, but the everyman doesn't feel contempt for them. There are plenty of factory workers and ditch diggers in the thread below, looking at some art and appreciating it, but how many NYT columnists have ever changed a washer or shot a deer or dug a ditch?
She's going to be fun during the interminable Democrat debates...if she gets that far.
I will serve my six-year term.
I like James Woods as an actor, and I LOVE him as a political gadfly. He has that rare gift of something smart to say and a clever way to say it!
Actor James Woods: "I Have Never Traveled Unarmed Since That Day"And good for him! I am jealous!
Bill Maher Billboard Targeted by Conservative Street Artists

[Hat Tip: Bitter Clinger]
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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