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January 09, 2019
The Democrats Efforts to Attack Our Democracy Didn't Stop With the Jones-Moore Race in Alabama -- The False Flag Campaign of Deceit Continued Into the 2018 Midterms
Adam Schiff will hop right on this. (Thanks, NeverTrump!)
Democratic operatives, led by a former Obama official, bought ads on misleading Facebook pages to suppress GOP turnout in the midterm elections.
The pages appear to be designed to give the impression that they were operated by disgruntled conservatives rather than Democratic operatives.
The operatives were funded by left-wing billionaire Reid Hoffman, who previously funded a "false flag" effort in the 2017 Alabama special election.
Democratic operatives funded by left-wing tech billionaire Reid Hoffman ran a widespread campaign using misleading Facebook pages in the run-up to the 2018 midterm elections, The Daily Caller News Foundation has found.
American Engagement Technologies (AET), which was founded by former Obama administration official Mikey Dickerson, bought ads for two Facebook pages, "The Daily Real" and "Today's Nation," encouraging Republican voters to stay home in the midterm elections, Facebook's ad archives show.
Both pages appear to be designed to give the impression that they were operated by frustrated conservatives rather than by Democratic operatives.
Which was plausible, because the Pierre Omidyar-funded Bill Kristol and his other leftist-funded friends were doing the same thing.
The American flag-adorned pages encouraged conservative voters to either stay home in November or vote for Democrats to punish Republicans for being insufficiently conservative. Other ads called polls predicting a "blue wave" in the 2018 elections "unreliable" and downplayed the election’s importance.
The misleading ads collectively garnered millions of impressions on Facebook, TheDCNF’s review of Facebook's archives found.
AET's operations in the 2018 midterm elections show that the Hoffman-funded group went further than previously known in attempting to mislead American voters for the purpose of swinging an election.
Another series set of ads pushed a narrative that congressional Republicans were betraying "real conservatives."
"Some Trump supporters see midterm losses for congressional republicans [sic] as a wake-up call to get serious on the wall," the Democratic operatives wrote in another post.
Another post included a link to an article about frustrated populist Republicans and stressed the need to "send a message" because "Trump is failing us."
Other ads linked to an article that urged "Semi-Trumpers" to either cross party lines, vote third-party or stay home in November, rather than vote Republican. "Even more true in light of the recent violence," read the caption. "If you aren't helping, don’t show up."
A similar set of ads linked to an article that called for Republican voters to boycott the GOP. The post was captioned: "I hope folks go for this. Seems like the only thing that can save true conservatives."
See the article for screencaps of all the false-flag ads the Democrats ran.
Why is the media not talking about this? They hyped false-flag social media campaigns for three fucking years and now that it's proven an Obama aide was part of just such an effort, they decide it's not The New Sexy any longer?

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:48 PM
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