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January 01, 2019
The Morning Report - 1/1/19
Good morning kids. Happy New Year to you all! And as the odometer/McDonald's sign of time flips over for another trip around the giant ball that is totally irrelevant to the climate and life on earth, life - or the continuing meshugas of our nation and world - goes on. So let's get to it.
First up, what could be more fitting and wanted for the start of a brand new year filled with hopes and dreams for peace and happiness than acts of terrorism? Thank goodness we have representatives from the "religion of peace" and other assorted momzers to disabuse us of that childish fantasy. Three people were stabbed and wounded in Manchester by a devotee of the 7th century pedophile demagogue who's name is growing in popularity by leaps and bounds in that country and elsewhere, and some code-10 wack-a-doo drove his car into a crowd in, of all places, Tokyo. No word on who this charming individual is or his motivations. And of course, Morning Report favorite Daniel Greenfield takes a look at one of Islam's choicest targets through the years, Times Square. You really do have to be insane to go there on New Year's Eve; truth be told, I try to stay away from there the other 364 days of the year as well to avoid the bloody tourists and, G-d forbid, bloodied tourists.
The situation at our southern border and its evil twin Washington DC remains the same vis a vis the government remaining "shut down" (the horror! the horror!) over the continuing impasse over a measly $5.7 billion to fund a border wall and security. Also, although the migrant invasion caravans seem to have fizzled, a gigantic festering petri dish of virtual bipedal bacteriological warfare remains behind, mostly in our hospitals and at our expense, but ready to "spread the love" as it were to the rest of our population. Yes indeed, an open border is insanity.
To politics in general where we start off with $500,000 that was supposed to go to underprivileged youth instead went to a much worthier cause - hookers, blow and limos for the NY State Black Caucus. I wonder what political party they are affiliated with. And then of course we have that other great Democrat Party bastion known as CAIR, who are also unindicted co-conspirators in the infamous Holy Land Foundation terrorism case, where one of its self-righteous representatives who blasts everything non-Democrat as bigoted and racist participating at an event hosted by a virulently anti-homosexual imam. Not an ounce of hypocrisy there, no sirreee. Elsewhere, the President took to Twitter to remind everyone that while everyone else is partying in Hawaii or getting drunk on camera in front of dozens of TV viewers he was working to try and solve the border/budget crisis as well as "congratulate" Fauxca-HasBeen for evidently deciding against all logic and reason to make a complete ass of herself and run in 2020. The Knights of Columbus responds to the Hugo-Blackness of Maizie Hirohito and Kamala-Toe, Loopy Ocasio-Taco-Rosado is not happy about Claire McAssKill correctly labeling her as gornisht from gornisht, Dennis Prager sez 2019 is going to be a bumpy ride with Dems controlling the House and, since it's a slow news day, a link about a nobody from nowhere deciding to run on the same tired old Democrat garbage that everyone else is running on. Way to distinguish yourself from the crowd, pal.
In First Amendment and Fake News Fakery, funny how the media never covers the stories of actual citizens killed by illegals (honestly or at all), Turkish Turd-ogan is not amused, a look back at 2018 media bias and Nike's disgusting pimping of anti-American scumbag Kaepernick while helping to muzzle a critic of Turkish Turd-ogan.
The Mueller Inquisition: Rudy says Mueller should be tried for spoliation of evidence and Mueller allegedly has some other GOP muckity-muck under his thumb and pressuring him to bear false witness, as he is wont to do.
Second Amendment: Disarm the IRS.
Foreign Desk: Russkies arrest a US citizen under espionage charges, the Palestinians sentence an American to life in prison for selling a Jerusalem apartment to Jooz, and a look back at a year of spectacular failure for multiculturalism.
Domestically, Patrick Shanahan begins his tenure at the Defense Department, Andrew "Cui-Bono" Cuomo unleashes 29 hardened criminals, including murderers on the NY state citizenry, the holiday shopping season was the best in 6 years, 2018 was a year of deregulations and economic goodness, Virginia screws over its taxpaying citizens benefitting from the Trump tax cuts, and will the media and saboteurs in Wall Street and elsewhere screw up the economy this year?
Education/Indoctrination: Elite universities are mum about transcript admissions fakery, and the dearth of college grad enlistees in the military. Gee, I wonder why... (sarc).
Feminazism gossip: Now the New Orleans Women's March is kaput because of the Joo-hate and yet the latest defense is that all of the bad press has been ginned up by Vladimir Putin.
From hither and yon, Humberto Fontova rakes the Left over the coals for the continued glorification and propagandization of Cuba past and present, Christian Toto on whither the defense of Louis C.K. in the wake of his broken clock characterization of Camera Hogg and Shaved Guevara, liberal privilege is the only privilege and a look back at a year of P.C. insanity.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Number of Sick Kids Soars at Border; Tuberculosis, Flu, Infections Land Migrants in Hospitals
- The Absurdity of an Open Border
- NY's Black Caucus Got $500,000 to Give Scholarships to Underprivileged Youth, But Blew It on Limos, Luxury, and One Giant Party
- CAIR Hypocrite Participates at Event Moderated by Anti-Gay Imam
- Presidet Trump: I'm Working, You're Partying, Happy New Year!
- Trump on Fauxca-HasBeen's 2020 Chances: "You'd Have to Ask Her Psychiatrist" if She Thinks She Can Win
- Prager: The Left Will Make 2019 a Dark Year
- Knights of Columbus Responds to Maizie Hirohito and Kamala-Toe
- 2018's Top 10 Congressional Votes
- Loopy Ocasio-TacoRosado "Disappointed" at McAssKill for Calling Her a "Thing"
- Dem 2020 Hopeful Andrew Yang Campaigns on Universal Basic Income (or, an unknown known - jjs)
- The Media Never Cares When Americans Are Killed by Illegal Aliens
- Another Year of Torrential Media Bias
- The Hypocrisy of Nike
- Giuliani: "Mueller Should Be Investigated For Destruction Of Evidence"
- Feds Won't Detail Extent of GOP Operative's Cooperation with Mueller Inquisition
- GAO: IRS Had 4,487 Guns; 5,062,006 Rounds of Ammunition (armed and extremely dangerous - jjs)
- Turkey Fines TV Channels For Criticizing President Erdogan
- US Citizen Arrested in Russia, Charged with Spying
- Europe 2018: A Year of Failed Multiculturalism
- Palestinian Authority Sentences US Citizen to Life in Prison for Selling Jerusalem Apartment to Jews
- Rain and Wind Force NYPD to Ground Drones at Ball Drop
- Shanahan Begins as Pentagon "CEO": "Doesn't Have the Moral and Ethical Constraints That Mattis Has"
- Happy New Year, Infidel! 3 People Stabbed at Manchester Train Station in Apparent Act of Terrorism
- Tokyo: 9 Injured After Car Rams Pedestrians in "Terror Attack"
- Greenfield: Times Square Ball Drop Celebrates Islamic Terror
- Net Neutrality's End Brought About a Faster Internet (but millions still died! - jjs)
- Andrew Cui-Bono Grants Clemency to 29 Hardened Criminals, Including Murderers (burnishing his 2020 credentials - jjs
- 2018 Holiday Shopping Season Best in 6 Years: $850 Billion in Sales, Up 5.1% from 2017
- Happy (Deregulated) New Year!
- Trump Tax Cut for Virginians Foiled by State's Itemized Deduction Rule
- The Great Depression of 2019?
- Abortion Killed 42 Million People In 2018
- Audit Reveals States Owe Federal Government Billions for Fraudulent Medicaid Overpayment
- Elite Universities Won't Respond to Allegations Some Students Got In With Fraudulent Transcripts
- A Path Not Taken
- Now NOW-Baton Rouge Cancels Women's March in New Orleans
- Defender of Women's March Anti-Semites "Firmly" Believes Backlash Being Pushed by... Putin!
- Toto: Will "Brave" Comedians Defend Louis C.K. Now?
- Fontova: The Left's Fake News About Pre-Castro Cuba
- The Only Privilege in America is Liberal Privilege
- A Year of P.C. Prudery and Ignorance