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December 17, 2018
The Morning Rant
"Ahoy! So it looks like the Weekly Standard has been hulled below the waterline and is now pretty much sunk. They've actually been sinking for a long time. The TWS site got less than a million unique visitors in April of this year. Those are terrible numbers. They went back up to over 2.5 million in September and October per month, but according to ace, this here blog gets 3-3.5 million uniques per month. I find that astounding. A maladroit hermit can put together a web site in his spare time that gets bigger traffic than a professional magazine that no doubt has spent millions of dollars to boost its online presence. Of course, adopting a business plan wherein you piss of 85% of your potential customer base probably wasn't the smartest choice."
Ahoy There On the Lido Deck! Rough Seas Ahead:
Everybody Says We Shouldn't Make Fun Of Alexandria Ojos Locos, But I Can't Resist:
Everything Is Better With Googly Eyes:
For the 'Rons:
For the 'Ettes: Who Dese Bad Boys?(click to make them bigger and badder)
posted by OregonMuse at
11:18 AM
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