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December 11, 2018

The Morning Report - 12/11/18


Good morning kids. Lots of things jumping this Tuesday so here we go. As the year draws to a close and the Democrats are set to take over the House in the coming weeks (feh), there seems to be this sense of the President stalling, committing unforced errors, going overboard with Twitter etc. etc. and a concomitant perception that he's losing the one and only thing that he can't: the support of the base. Anecdotally, I've read commenters here as well as elsewhere and callers into the national talk shows getting all wobbly and eeyorish and I can understand the temptation. The border wall is unfunded, we were stabbed in the face by the GOP-e with the Obamacare repeal fiasco, Planned Parenthood remains essentially fully funded courtesy of the same GOP-e that should have cut them off as well as pushed for a balanced budget and fiscal responsibility with no more continuing resolutions during the two years it controlled the purse strings. But no.

And now Mueller is set to release his "findings" which will find not a shred of evidence to even hint that the President conspired/colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election, but which will no doubt smear him as borderline crooked, incompetent and sleazy which is all the Democrat-Media Complex will need to move ahead with impeachment. Circling back to our own media, when Tucker Carlson and other staunch supporters starts to get all wobbly on Trump, it's no doubt that many of us will start having our own doubts about things. And this is exactly what the Left wants with all of this crap; to sew the seeds of doubt in your mind so that the President loses the kevlar/teflon coating of high 40s to low 50s approval numbers and drive it down to a level that makes it politically acceptable for Republicans in the House to join the Dems and call for his impeachment and even resignation.

STOP RIGHT THERE. Whatever failures there were in the implementation of the key agenda items, the fault lies with the GOP leadership and NeverTrumper underlings in Congress and elsewhere that did all they could to sabotage him with every bit as much zeal as those on the Left. And when you consider what has been happening both at the border, in the economy, in foreign policy, and in completely exposing the frauds and hacks in the media and showing those on our side in Congress who are willing to listen how to fight back and win, the first two years of this Presidency have been wildly successful. And much of it was achieved almost entirely singlehanded by this President. Now more than ever, he needs and deserves our support.

And this leads us to the news links and to immigration and amnesty where, in spite of everything the President has done - or perhaps out of desperation because of everything he has done - illegal immigration has spiked to the highest number in a decade. Meanwhile, the Left is freaking out over the President's insistence on a no freeloader rule for those seeking citizenship legally. Also, echoing my sentiments at the outset Lindsey the Graham-inator is encouraging the President to not give in on border wall funding, an honest judge actually ruled in favor of Trump ending an Obama asylum program, the invasion caravan is looking like it's failed and is petering out, and a would-be invader displayed the Pelosi spark of humanity by dumping her toddler here and vamoosing south.

To the Democrat corruption files or embargoed news items from the Agitprop Media, lawyers are desperate to seal all documents related to the FBI raid on the Clinton Crime Family Foundation whistleblower, thousands of Chicagoans commit voter fraud at the behest of the Democrat ward healers to keep an insurgent reformer off the ballot (guess the party), and Lacy Clay is a goniffing momzer of the first order, paying his sister a cool $200-Gs from campaign funds. But, but, but Stormy Daniels!!!!

And speaking of which, as impeachment talk ramps up, in Mueller witch hunt news, James Comey continues to put his foot in his mouth, seemingly with no repercussions at all, the Michael Cohen plea deals is blood in the water to the insurrectionists and Rand Paul with a friendly reminder about the true nature of special prosecutors.

In politics in general, the big news is who will Trump pick to replace outgoing chief of staff John Kelly? A dark horse yet a welcome name is that of conservative stalwart Mark Meadows. A couple of good essays analyzing the situation as well as putting it in context to my opening paragraph. Elsewhere, the DNC is ordering the staff to be completely impartial for the 2020 primary (comedy gold), perhaps Nancy Palsi isn't the shoe-in for Speaker as Andrew Cui-Bono is putting the screws to a recalcitrant Congresscritter on Long Island, with all the bullshit about Trump politicizing the new AG pick, lest we forget who ran the DoJ under Obama, how to fight back the Dems' dirty pool and a good piece using Loopy Ocasio-Fiasco's fascistic reaction to being criticized as an indicator of fascistic proclivities of the Left.

To First Amendment and Fake News Fakery, a yuuuge victory for James O'Keefe/Project Veritas and the first amendment, Google stands accused of attempting to sabotage Breitbart's ad revenue while at the same time helping Pakistani head-choppers and clit-clippers keeeeel you, the aforementioned Media Trump derangement is really deranged and did you hear about the Neo-Nazi jailed for threatening Jews who is likely a Leftist? Me neither... as intended.

On the international scene, Theresa May's career hangs in the balance after totally cocking up Brexit, to the extent that she had to cancel a vote on the issue because the legislation is a hot mess that leaves Brussels in control of the process. And there was a wild scene in Parliament debating the issue. Across the Channel, several good analyses of the rioting in France and Macron's apparent surrender. Is it about Global Warming, Socialist Failure, Taxation or all of the above? See the links and discuss amongst yourselves. Elsewhere, the administration is taking a tough line on Iran, Michael Ledeen on Iran at war, the Euro-peons enabling the Farsis to get nuked up, Jared Kushner is a boob for falling into the peace process process crime, and the administration calls out several top NorKs including Whoa, Fat's! #2.

Over to the wonderful world of Islam where the Feds charge an Ohio man for planning an ISIS-style synagogue slaughter, CAIR loves David Duke and will the Feds be charging the New Mexico compound jihadists with terrorism? Stay tuned...

Domestically, Chief Justice John Julia Crockovich Roberts teamed up with Brett Kavanaugh in rejecting two cases that would have stopped federal funding to Planned Parenthood, to which the conservative justices reacted with a strong rebuke to the duo. We know Roberts is the new Kennedy. Let's hope this is a one-off for Kavanaugh. Then again, Terry Jeffrey reminds us that Kavanaugh ruled that it was totes kosher for an illegal caught at the border to get an abortion in the US.

Elsewhere, some very good economic news about food stamp usage (down), factory job openings (up), and Trump perhaps holding the upper hand for ratification of the USMCA. I thought this was a done thing. Oh well. In health news, big CPAP is listening, and euthanasia pimps pimp starvation for the terminally ill.

In Indoctrination Inc., Massachusetts schools lead the way - mostly in Jew-baiting, teachers withhold grades to protest Confederate monuments, and students demand "safe spaces" before allowing comedians to come take the stage. No, they're not afraid of their words, per se. They're afraid that their words will ring true and thus challenge their rule.

In FemiNazism, the first time two of the top "Women's March" leaders met they had an anti-semitic Joo-hate fest that was so hideous, evidently it was covered up until now. Shocking, right? And from hither and yon, Francis the Talking Pope is changing the lyrics to "The Lord's Prayer," the Baby It's Cold Outside madness, an interesting take on the welfare state through the lens of life in Mumbai and lastly, a lengthy piece from our friends at City Journal about the ills of modern life, government and control. Quite good.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

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posted by at 07:38 AM

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