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December 09, 2018
Should We Take Occasional-Cortex Seriously?
This Guy Says, "Yes."
The woman is a national treasure; everything she says is a wonder of stupidity and ignorance and vacuousness and best of all, cluelessness. She really does think so highly of herself that she doesn't bother to stop a bit and learn something about the topics she discusses. We are all luckier for her existence, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Besides, her presence in the next Congress is meaningless; her voting record will be exactly what her predeccesser's was.
But is she a threat? Is her rank stupidity simply not enough to prevent her insane ideas from going more mainstream? This guy thinks so.
Why The Right Should Start Taking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Seriously
Yes, the tweet was incorrect. Yes, it would be nice if the people in our government had some actual knowledge about the things they talk about. Still, it is critical for folks on the right to avoid the mistakes made by the left. We must learn from how they treated (and treat) President Trump and endeavor not to make the same mistakes.
Do not underestimate this woman, and do not think your savage mockery of her stupidity will be an effective tool to stop her. It won’t. It will instead be personalized by her supporters, creating an army that will lay down and die for her (or at least vote for her), just like the army Trump has. You should be afraid of Ocasio-Cortez. Be much more afraid than you are.
I think his comparison to Trump is interesting but ultimately incorrect. There is a core of truth and undeniable utility in most of Trump's pronouncements as a candidate. Many of them were twisted beyond recognition by the media or simply truncated without the ability to appreciate his context.
Ocasio-Cortez is different. She really is stupid, and she is probably a bit nuts too. But that might not be enough...
posted by CBD at
02:30 PM
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