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December 04, 2018
Joy Behar Fuming At Meghan McCain's Interruptions; Threatens to Quit The View Unless Producers "Get This Bitch Under Control!"
That sounds like Joy Behar's internalized patriarchy talking.
After Joy Behar pretended to give a tribute to dead president G.W.H. Bush, but immediately turned it into an attack on Trump, McCain countered with the obviously-true point that if you're giving a man a eulogy, you should give him a eulogy, not attack a living person while pretending to give a eulogy. (Something she might have observed herself at her father's funeral, of course-- but, that's probably what her father would have wanted.)
Joy Behar snapped like the old vinegary soucrotch bitch she is.
Behar fired back: 'I don't care what you're interested in. I'm talking!'
McCain countered: 'Well I don't care what you're interested in either, Joy!' before Whoopi quickly called for a commercial break.
Behar was then seen slamming her cue cards on the table and turning to sound off on McCain just as producers cut to break. Producers muted Behar's microphone so that her expletives would not be heard on air.
But the source told DailyMail.com that Behar threw her hands in the air, yelled 'My God!' and 'Get this b***h under control.'
'If this s**t doesn't stop I'm quitting this damn show. I can't take this much more,' Behar allegedly fumed.
Producers ran to the stage in an attempt to deescalate the situation, but Behar continued to rant, the source said.
'I've tolerated a lot of s**t on this show but I'm at my wits' end with this entitled b***h. Enough already! Enough already! I'm not playing nice any longer,' Behar shouted, despite the studio audience being able to hear it all.
Note: As a purely actuarial matter, Joy Behar has been officially dead since 2003. It's only pure spite that keeps that shriveled, not-funny heart beating.
Thought For the Day: If women ran the world, we'd have no wars.
Or we'd have constant wars and nuclear exchanges because "dat bitch think she cute."
One or the other.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:30 PM
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