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November 16, 2018
Trump: I'll Throw Acosta Out the Next Time He Acts Like a Child, Or I'll Just Walk Out Myself
The judge made up some bullshit about a requirement of "due process" to cancel a hard pass, so Trump should just set up a tribunal, stocked with reliable people, who would evaluate "reporter" behavior and complaints from the White House about reporter behavior.
Then, "due process" satisfied -- until they Hawaiian judges discover a new Orange Man Bad penumbra and emanation in the Constitution.
But for now, Trump is saying he'll just toss him out again or cancel the press conference.
Jon Gabriel has an interesting suggestion: Trump should call on only Acosta, and only let Acosta speak for the full hour of a press conference.
Hey, if that's what the media wants -- the Jim Accoster Show -- then give it to them good and hard until they cry.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:25 PM
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