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November 22, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
No rant today, just a wish that all of you have a lovely and calorific Thanksgiving, complete with haggis and French Toast with salt and butter and a fine pork roast as the centerpiece of your table. And may your preferred sporting teams score more goals and runs than their hated rivals. And best of all, may your leftist 2nd cousin run screaming from the house before you bring out the pecan pie, thoroughly cowed and embarrassed by the overwhelming evidence that yes, socialism has been tried before and been found wanting.
"Nature" was once a respected publication. No more...
US proposal for defining gender has no basis in science
The proposal — on which HHS officials have refused to comment — is a terrible idea that should be killed off. It has no foundation in science and would undo decades of progress on understanding sex — a classification based on internal and external bodily characteristics — and gender, a social construct related to biological differences but also rooted in culture, societal norms and individual behaviour. Worse, it would undermine efforts to reduce discrimination against transgender people and those who do not fall into the binary categories of male or female.
Curiously, they did not recognize the horrid discrimination against anorexics and bulimics...predominantly young girls who have alternate visions of health and beauty and whose valid feelings should be celebrated and reinforced. These are women whose desire to modify their bodies should no longer be treated as some affliction, and they should be assisted by society...in fact they should be elevated to protected status!
I find this amusing on so many levels.
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posted by CBD at
11:30 AM
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