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Bifurcated ONT - Comments »
November 15, 2018
Bifurcated ONT - Content

Y'know, every time I try to put something entertaining other than just links into the ONT, like gifs or videos or some such, I always hear a litany of bitching in the comments.
"I can't load these on my Motorola Razor. Wah!"
"They slow down my 1200 baud modem! Boo!"
"My Atari 800 can't run them! Sob!"
The pinnacle of 1987 technology utterly baffles some people, SMDH. As a result, I don't use as many of these elements as I other wise might, which is fine, but that means they pile up in my ONT content folder.
Well tonight we're clearing the decks. The content for the ONT is below the cut here. ***WARNING: MOST OF IT IS GIFS*** If the string stretched between the Dixie cups that you use for an ISP can't handle it, don't click. If your TS 1000 will be overburdened, don't click. Instead you're invited to go right up to the thread above this one, titled Bifurcated ONT - Comments, and join out nightly little booze kvetch. If, OTOH, you have a computer and internet connection from the present century and you do want to see the content, please feel free to open this thread up and enjoy. No comments here though, all comments will be taken upstairs. See y'all up there!

posted by WeirdDave at
09:46 PM