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November 15, 2018
Straight White Racist Pastor Forces Drag Queen to Leave Church and Come Back Only When Dressed In Man-Clothes
I can't even with this White Racism anymore.
A Chicago pastor who asked a man dressed in drag to leave a worship service because he was dressed like a woman stands by his actions after coming under fire.
"Can you leave my church and go put on man clothes? And don't come here like that no more," Rocquemore can be seen telling the man in the video, posted by Christian James Lhuillier.
"i hold a standard in here. Whatever you do on the outside is your business, but I will not let drag queens come in here. If you're gonna come in here you're gonna dress like a man."
People in the crowd cheered and said "Amen" and "thank you Jesus" as Rocquemore addressed the young man.
Video of the white racist Republican pastor, who compounds his sin even further by dressing in a (very convincing) blackface make up application, at the link.
More here. It should be noted that these "Christian" sites are completely ignoring the blackface angle. What makes this even more #Triggering is that almost the entire congregation also appears to be in blackface.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:06 PM
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