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November 14, 2018
Women's March Chapter: We Don't #BelieveAllWomen When It Comes to St. Michael of the Blessed Right Hook
But the Brantford (Canada) Chapter of the Women's March (!!!) has announced it does not #BelieveAllWomen in this case.
Believe it or not, the left is suddenly declaring, as if in one (nearly) unified voice, that #BelievingAllWomen is sooooo October 2018.
Brett Kavanaugh wants to know if they waited for all the evidence in his case, or if the allegation was enough.
After all, a woman -- the victim -- did swear out this police complaint.
Something that Dr. Blasey of the incorruptible hippocampus never bothered to do.
Open thread. Now get out there and Be Like Mike -- slug a gal like you love her!
More: The media's been praising Slappy Avenatti's eagerness to throw a punch for over a year.
The next time he's on CNN every 20 minutes, I'm sure they'll ask him if he hit this woman with the power he had envisioned hitting Trump with.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:54 PM
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