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November 09, 2018
Caution? Being Told that Scott's People Say This Story Is "Not Accurate"
I'm being told this story is "not accurate" as to her refusal to comply.
I'll write more as I hear more.
Here's more: Rep. Matt Gaetz is saying Snipes will not permit outside observers into the building to observe. However, I'm not sure the judge's order ordered her to do that.
I do know the order demanded documents, which Scott's people are looking through to see if they comply.
It's possible she missed the deadline, thus triggering the stories about noncompliance, and then dumped these documents on Scott's people after the deadline.
This sounds like a document dump, where you dump many deliberately irrelevant and extraneous documents on a litigant just to harass them and keep them from finding the information you were ordered to produce. We'll see, though.
I don't know about whether Rep. Gaetz's claim about access is correct.
Below, Mollie Hemingway's post about the media going all-in to enable vote fraud.
A refrain the media is using, almost as if it was texted to them by their Democrat Handlers, is that the allegations of vote fraud and rampant violations of election law are "conspiracy theories" which are "based on nothing."
Well, nothing against the written law, which the media would know if it could do anything but sit on Twitter all fucking day long and perform analingus on Democrats.
Remember, this is the same media (Hemingway points out) that claims it must be vigorous and vigilant against government abuse.
Not just to get Trump, of course -- oh no, it's just happenstance that Trump is the Chief Executive. What the media is here to do is to protect the citizenry against government abuse and self-dealing of any kind.
And yet, when you have a Democrat official who is flagrantly ignoring the law -- "for no good reason," as the media might say, except to conduct the voter fraud the laws exist to prevent -- the go into the mode of saying that anyone questioning a corrupt government official is a conspiracy theorist.
I like that she includes CNN geisha girl S.E. Cupp's self-praising claim that the media must stop caring about who likes them and who doesn't, and just [lots of juvenile handclap emojis here, which is weird for older adults to use] "do its job" of rooting out government misconduct, no matter who it might bother.
Well, S.E.? Do you have the balls to make yourself unliked by Jeff Zucker and the other intense partisans at CNN who are paying your salary and note that Brenda Snipes is ignoring laws, and not minor little laws either, but major common sense laws, like "Do not create a new ballot to replace an allegedly damaged one without being supervised by someone else while you're filling out a new ballot"?
Does S.E. Cupp consider the violation of that law an objection based on "no reason" as the rest of the media has it?
Will she address this, or will she peddle the CNN Corporate Line line and pretend it away?
This question is rhetorical. She knows CNN is the last place she's going to have gainful employment at, and you betcha, she's gonna follow that Party Line down to the last letter and the down to the final period.
Democracy Dies in Darkness, huh?
Democracy is whatever a paycheck says it is, for her kind.
And seriously, stop with the Clapping Hands emojis. Only Social Justice Warriors use those, and only tweenagers use those, or aging people trying to youthen their twitter banding up a bit.
Update: The media will soon tell us that criticizing a criminal now in open contempt of a judge's order is to engage in "conspiracy theories" over "nothing at all."
posted by Ace of Spades at
06:57 PM
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