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November 08, 2018
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, The Fittest 85 Year Old Woman In the Universe, Falls Unexpectedly, Breaking Three Ribs
I think she's home now after having been briefly hospitalized.
What's amusing is that lefties don't know what to think of RBG any longer; they used to love making (stupid) memes about her, but then, when they realized Oh shit, we've gambled our juridical fortunes on the enduring health of a frail 85 year old spinster who naps more than a narcoleptic kitten, they started to panic.
And then Their Pals in the Media tried to boost their spirits by endlessly talking up the SUPER HARD WORKOUT ROUTINE an 85 year old woman does to keep INCREDIBLY FIT.
Now, obviously, anyone can and should exercise, and it's great RBG "works out." Healthy body healthy mind and all that.
But honestly, wasn't the leftwing media laying it on just a little thick with these ludicrous testaments to Ginsburg's alleged Triathelete-level of fitness?
Let's take a look back..
POLITICO: I Did Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Workout. It Nearly Broke Me.
If you're wondering what a 20-something "man" who is "nearly broken" by an 85 year old woman's "pumping iron" regimen might look like, well, pretty much what you'd expect xim to look like.
You can also click the link to see this soybean get REKT by a "workout" routine designed for someone born before Hitler became chancellor of Germany.
BUSINESS INSIDER: Ruth Bader Ginsburg has been on the Supreme Court for 25 years today -- here's the workout she uses to stay on top of her game
The workout consists mainly of Step exercises, then throwing yourself on to the ground with great force.
NBC "NEWS:" Why Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the workout inspiration we all need
The 85-year-old Supreme Court Justice isn't leaving the bench anytime soon -- and maintaining her physical fitness keeps her on top of her game.
The partisan propaganda outfit Washington Post tried to reassure its nervous leftwing cuck readers that an 85 year old was really in super-duper shape with this Vox-like "explainer" video.
I like how this video ends, telling us that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is important, "because it's something we can all do."
Why yes, we all can do it. Literally. Except for little babies, and soybean feature writers.
ABC "NEWS:" "The longtime personal trainer of the Supreme Court Justice -- who gained the nickname "The Notorious R.B.G." -- shared secrets in October for how the 85-year-old stays physically strong every day as she interprets the Constitution."
They should call her Ruth Bader GAINZZZZberg.
But don't worry about RBG -- leftists have her back.
The people who endlessly tell us how much they Fucking Love Science think that the correct medical treatment for broken ribs is a rib transplant, and are offering up their own ribs:
Yes, lefties who rilly rilly rilly Luv Da Science, the accepted medical treatment for broken ribs is not to set them and let them mend on their own, but to perform an invasive operation during which the patient's chest cavity is cut open and the broken ribs replaced by spares collected from donors, who are probably unhealthy, overweight blue-haired women of dubious gender conformity and whose bones contain the genes that predict Dying Alone With Your 22 Cat-Husbands Who Then Proceed to Eat Your Fingers and Soft Tissues.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:27 PM
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