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November 05, 2018
The Morning Rant

"Get out there and vote, you morons! And if you've voted early, get out there and vote again! (just kidding) But see here: the last time we had an election, the progs became so unglued that some of them thought that the ultimate reason for Trump winning was because we're all living in a computer-simulated reality and there was a glitch in the Matrix. I'm not making this up. Trump's victory plus the Brexit vote plus the Patriots improbable Superbowl win plus the Best Picture announcement flub at the Oscar ceremony were all supposedly Things That Weren't Supposed To Happen. Therefore, it wasn't their perceptions and expectations that were wrong, no, it was reality itself that was wrong. Now, you've got to be imbibing in some seriously high-proof narcissistic silly juice in order to think that, but that was then. Right now, Trump has driven them so far around the bend that they're only holding onto reality by a fingernail and what do you think is going to happen if the GOP keeps the House and increases its majority in the Senate? We may be heading for a Psychotic Armageddon. You'd best vote early and then stay home for the next couple of days to avoid the soggy shrapnel from all of the exploding heads."
Moron #1: "What does he mean, Red October? It's November."
Moron #2: "Shut up, he's on a roll."
Trump Is A Rock Star, Part 1:
Trump Is A Rock Star, Part 2:
Identify this Beauty:
(This One's Easy)
And the first one of you clowns what says 'Joan Collins!' gets a night in the box.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:10 AM
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