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October 31, 2018
Elevating the Tone: Missouri Democrat Calls for Trump's Assassination
I'm sure that somewhere out there, Jake Tapper just nodded, and then his Mostly-Male Harem of Shut-In Stans rushed to defend him.
A Democratic state lawmaker in Missouri posted a now-deleted comment on Facebook expressing hope that the president would be assassinated.
It all started with a post from Missouri Democrat State Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal on her personal Facebook page, where she voiced her disgust at President Trump and claimed he was "causing trauma and nightmares." Someone by the name of Christoper Gagne commented that he was thinking about his cousin, who worked for the Secret Service under Barack Obama for four years and has to spend two more protecting President Trump. Gagne then wrote cryptically, "But, what I posted earlier, I truly believe will happen, sooner...rather than later."
Gagne proceeded to quip, "I'll probably get a visit from the Secret Service smdh."
Chappelle-Nadal stupidly decided to reply with the following comment: "No. I will. I hope Trump is assassinated!"
In totally, totally unrelated news, someone pumped four bullets into a Daytona GOP office.
But I'm sure that had nothing to do with Democrats' wild tone and calls for violence, or CNN rabble-rousers Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon justifying leftwing violence.

posted by Ace of Spades at
04:36 PM
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