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Mid-Morning Open Thread »
October 29, 2018
The Morning Report - 10/29/18
Good morning kids. What a horrible morning. I just don't think I have it in me to write about the senseless massacre of 11 people at a synagogue celebrating both the Sabbath and the beginning of a new life. Obviously, as a Jew this hits me particularly hard but that said, whenever something like this happens in any house of worship (or school for that matter), it just sickens me. Whether it's a synagogue in Istanbul, a Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, the slaughter of Coptic Christians in Egypt as well as in Nigeria and elsewhere, and on and on and on, my heart bleeds and the rage builds, but with that, I would always say thank G-d I live in America where I'm safe. And then 9/11/01 happened and that was that.
But even in the wake of 9/11, in the back of my mind I always thought after the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 that we were living on borrowed time. It was something of a minor miracle that it took so long for something of that magnitude to actually happen. Even with that, horrible as it is to say, you sort of become inured to the possibility of that happening and rationalize it as being the way things are and how life is, and all that.
But this massacre in Pittsburgh has shaken me. It's bad enough that some fiend wants to slaughter innocent people on a house of worship. Things like this happen in a free society and contrary to what the Left will tell you, it happens in even totalitarian societies that are allegedly immune from this sort of thing. But this is different. It is the latest in an increasing spate of politically-motivated attacks that have been almost 100% exclusively fomented by the Democrat-Left-Media complex against this President and those who voted for and supported him. I'll get to this Sayoc mail bomber in a moment.
We already know that the Democrat Party has essentially finished its transformation (which began in 1972 with the nomination of George McGovern) into a hard Left openly anti-American party. And we all know what that means for support for the State of Israel. Just look at the actions of the Obama administration. The psycho that butchered 11 people in Pittsburgh specifically cited President Trump's Israel policy as a motive as well as some other garbage about being controlled by Jews.
That said, Louis Farrakhan's recent comparison of Jews to termites, combined with his long history of rabid anti-semitism is conveniently ignored by the media (that would be the same media supposedly controlled by the Jews), Sarsour, the Hamas Louse, a leader of the Women's March is equally disgusting in her Joo-hate and yet she continues to be championed by the likes of Senator Kirsten Jello-Brains, Andrew Gillum refuses to disavow the bust-out anti-semitic Dream Defenders, Ilhan Omer in Minnesota ain't to thrilled with the Heeb weather-controllers in Jerusalem, while her mentor Keith Ellison who is a Nation of Islam member. And then there's Bernie Sanders who despite getting clipped at 8-days old is, like his false-god Karl Marx has a hate on for all things Israel and Jewish.
The Democrat-Left-Media complex is going to try and spin this attack also as Trump's fault for his criticism of Nazi collaborator George Soros. Risible on the face of it, and even more preposterous for his opposing the migrant invasion caravan. This blame for this attack rests squarely on the shoulders of the butcher who carried it out. That said, the near constant rhetoric coming from Democrats and the media might very well have been what drove the shooter to do what he did. To those that will insist that it's a two way street, that too is laughable. The President's justified criticism of the media and so-called journalists as "fake news" is just that - criticism. And from Walter Duranty to Walter Cronkhite to Dan Rather to doctored 9/11 calls to exploding gas tanks, that criticism is well-founded. What Trump has done was merely raise the public consciousness about it dramatically. There is not one instance or word of his in more than 2 years that anyone can cite where he has called for any act of violence or even confrontation to be directed at the media. I defy anyone to cite one.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again: violence as an officially sanctioned means of achieving political goals always has been and always will be the sole purview of Democrats and Totalitarians. Perhaps American Jews, far too many still stuck in the past in the illusion of a Democrat Party that allegedly championed their causes, might wake up. Along with a "Blexit" we need a "Jewexit." That said, it's not enough to be merely born of Jewish parents. When you embrace the ideas of Marx, Alinsky, Chomsky and Soros, you have abandoned your birthright. And thanks to you, I now have to worry about going into a synagogue in my own country. May the good Lord bless and keep the memory of the victims and comfort the bereaved.
On a granular level, the death penalty may be sought in this case, several links on what can be done to harden houses of worship and the usual gang of Joo-haters around the world rush to pour salt on the wounds. Moving on to the Cesar Sayoc mail bomber, several things don't quite add up with this case and despite the posters all over his van, he was a registered Democrat only until very recently. And in other Dem-Leftist terrorism news, a Utah man was charged with sending Ricin to the White House and Pentagon, Dem mobsters disrupted a Marsha Blackburn campaign event with Lindsey Graham, and a look at the record on this with a comparison of Trump and Obama.
On to the illegal alien invasion caravan, which supposedly has been stalled over reports of child rapes and abductions. HHS Secretary Nielsen is unequivocal in stating no one is going to be granted asylum, Defense Secretary Mattis is sending men and materiel to the border to bolster our lines and the whole thing is a scam since virtually no one is accepting offers of asylum and jobs from Mexico. Meanwhile a dreamy DREAMr who came here as an unaccompanied minor during the Obama years has been arrested, identified as an MS-13 animal and charged with weapons possession.
On to politics where the Andrew Gillum bribery scandal grows, polls in 3 key Senate races show a dead heat or the GOP with an advantage, several links of the Democrats anti-semitism problem and their refusal to acknowledge it. Chele Farley is challenging Kirsten Jello-Brains and ripped her a new one over her migrant invasion support, good polling numbers for a bellwether Virginia House race. and don't let the Dems bambaoozle you with the voter suppression scam.
At the foreign desk, NorK repression exposed, a new angle on the Khashoggi whack, the UN seeks to control the world by 2030, Trump's China strategy gets a thumbs up, Jordan is the "Palestinian" state and an Hamas-hole pulled the grenade and threw the pin.
Domestically, 9 kids in New Jersey die from some mystery disease, analysis of the Fed's moves vis a vis the roaring economy and interest rates, is Julie Swetnick going to flip on the Creepy Porn Shyster, and GM has gone insane in the brain vis a vis surrendering to the electric car fantasy. From hither and yon, Kanye is leading the call for a "Blexit" from the Dem plantation, Halloween and "cultural appropriation" and Apu's ignominious ankling from The Simpsons.
Lastly, the passing of an infamous French Holocaust denier. The road to Pittsburgh came right through there. Rot in Hell, momzer.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
- Sarah Sanders Rips Washington Post For Tying Terror Attacks to PDT
- Victims Identified in Pittsburgh Synagogue Massacre
- Rabbi Fischer: Don't Insult Me As a Rabbi by Blaming Your Political Enemies for Some Dirtbag Jew-Hater
- From Pittsburgh to Fort Hood: Trump Versus Obama
- Utah Man Charged With Sending Ricin To White House, Pentagon
- Angry Leftist Mob Disrupts Marsha Blackburn Campaign Rally with Lindsey Graham
- Calls Come In For Armed Security at Houses of Worship in Wake of Pittsburgh Massacre
- The Left's Response to the Mass Shooting Of Jews Is An Act of Bad Faith
- Sayoc Accusation Doesn't Pass the Smell Test
- Did the Incompetent Bomb-Making Terrorist Sayoc Have Help?
- After Synagogue Massacre, Anti-Semites Pour Salt on Wounds
- Migrant Invasion Caravan Refuses Offer Of Asylum, Work Assignments In Mexico
- "Do Not Come": DHS Secretary Nielsen Says Migrant Invasion Force is "Not Getting In"
- Defense Secretary Mattis Says Military Moving Equipment to Border Ahead of Migrant Caravan
- What Will Happen When the Migrant Invasion Caravan Reaches the Border? Look to Gaza
- Democrats Using Cloward-Piven as their Midterm Hail Mary Pass
- Illegal Alien MS-13 Animal, Who Entered US as Unaccompanied Minor, Caught With Loaded Gun in Boston
- Growing Scandal: Undercover FBI Agent Paid Thousands Supporting Gillum Fundraiser, Report Says
- Media, Leftists Blame Jewish Conservatives, Trump Supporters For Pittsburgh Shooting
- Did Anti-Semitic BDS Rhetoric Trigger the Synagogue Shooter?
- Crazy Haters and the Twisted Press
- Free Speech and Its Present Crisis
- Teen Webzine Slate Tries, Fails to Label Gosnell Propaganda
- The Stench Still Lingers: Why Rod Rosenpenis Continues to Have PDT Over a Barrel
- How Will Trump Handle Sessionszzzz' Departure?
- Hillary Clinton Returns: "I'd Like to Be President"
- Ron DeSantis: Andrew Gillum "Won't Disavow" Anti-Israel Dream Defenders Because "He Is One of Them"
- Dem Candidate Ilhan Omar Defending Tweet On "The Evil Doings Of Israel"
- DCCC Chairman Dodges Charge That His Committee Supports Anti-Semitic Candidates
- The Democrats Embrace Anti-Semitism
- Poll Shows FL, AZ, IN Senate Races in Virtual Dead Heat
- Indiana Senate Poll Has Republican Mike Braun Leading Democrat Joe Donnelly
- Internal Poll Shows Republican Denver Riggleman Up 10 Points in VA Congressional Race
- Study: $2.6 Billion in Tax Hikes Needed to Implement Gillum's Progressive Plan
- Two Unions Endorse Minnesota Republican
- Jello-Brain in Heated Debate with GOP Chele Farley; Insists of Caravan "Immigration Has Always Been a Strength"
- RNC Contacts 15.7 Million Latino Voters Ahead of Midterms
- The Biannual "Voter Suppression" Scam: The Dems Need This Fiction to Camouflage Fraud.
- Good Roger Simon: This Jewish Boy Is Going to Buy a Gun
- 4 Things You Can Do Right Now to Harden Your Place of Worship Against a Shooter
- North Korean Defector Describes "Prison Camp" Conditions for Slaves Sent Overseas
- Khashoggi Killing Undercuts Support for Saudi War in Yemen
- Was Jamal Khashoggi About to Expose Saudi Use of Chemical Weapons in Yemen?
- China: Trump Chooses the Harder But Wiser Path
- The Jordan Option: The Only Game in Town
- The UN Wants to Be Our World Government By 2030 (the 12th imam has other plans, fools - jjs)
- Is the US Failing at Cyber-Warfare?
- Feel-Good Story of the Day: Hamas Commander Killed at Gaza Border When Hand Grenade Prematurely Explodes
- Judge Ends California Law Requiring Pro-Life Groups to Promote Abortion
- Oregon Governor Changes Tune About Indian Gambling After Campaign Contributions
- $2 Million Art Above Homeless Tent Encampment Highlights DC's Problems
- Will the Feds Flip Julie Swetnick Against Michael Avenatti?
- The Fed Trumps Trump
- Will The Real Economy Please Stand Up?
- 9 Children Die After Virus Spreads at New Jersey Healthcare Center
- Professor Called "Racist" for Urging a Student to "Try Harder"
- How Public Schools Indoctrinate Kids Without Almost Anyone Noticing
- GM Surrenders To The Green Lobby; Calls On Feds To Mandate Electric Cars
- "Blexit": Kanye West Calls for Blacks to Abandon Democrats
- Cultural Appropriation's National Holiday Is Called Halloween
- Toto: 7 Ugly Truths About Apu's Simpsons Exit
- No Flowers for Robert Faurisson (the road to Pittsburgh came through here - jjs)