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October 26, 2018
Tucker Carlson: "Rick Wilson Is the Dumbest Person to Appear on Television"
And did this sickly looking fella just say, in the midst of a liberal moral panic about "toxic speech," that the donor class needs to "put a bullet into Trump's head"?
Man does he look bad. I mean, really unwell.
Donald Trump just emailed me: "Rick Wilson's T-cell count is the only thing lower than the black unemployment rate, to be honest."
A question a friend posed: Given that Rick Wilson's career is supposedly some big-time (though you never heard of him, except on Twitter) Florida political consultant, where are his, you know, clients?
He's taken no position in the gubernatorial or senate races. Weird for a "Florida GOP consultant."
So, um.... how do I put this? #WhoFundsRickWilson? I can't imagine his MSNBC hits, as frequent as they may be, are keeping him in Rogaine.
One could make all sorts of speculations. Or limit it to just the one.
M'Dudes! Chris Wallace just raked Shep Smith over the coals for his constant CNN-please-hire-me propaganda that Trump caused the bombings with his "toxic rhetoric," repeating all the talking points, but then sputtering like a guy who's sucking a dick too girthy for his epiglotis when asked about Bernie Sanders' responsibility for James Hodgkinson.
It was great. Please let me know if you see it clipped. It was on Fox at 3:27 eastern and lasted, not sure, 12 minutes, maybe.

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:52 PM
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