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October 24, 2018
And Here We Go: CNN's David Gregory Declares Sarah Sanders' Criticism of CNN No Longer Permissible; Thug/Governor Andrew Cuomo, Who Once Declared That There Was No Place for Pro-Lifers In His State, Calls for "Civility" in "Discourse"
They're executing the Sarah Palin Playbook again, completely ignoring the fact that Democrats have frequently called for confrontation and incivility, and that CNN in particular has been a strident advocate for mob intimidation and even mob violence.
David Gregory in fact went out of his way to distinguish restaurant-mobbing (permissible!) from this possible bomb attempt against the Democrat-Media Complex, because this last one could actually hurt people.
Unlike, say, antifa beating people in the head with heavy steel bike-locks.
Gregory apparently forgot the entire premise of the "Climate of Hate" meme, which is that smaller provocations create an environment of permissiveness of violence. That is, as the Democrats had it in 2010, Sarah Palin running an ad "targeting" Democrat seats naturally encourages actual targeting.
But now David Gregory says that targeting people for in-real-life harassment and short-term false imprisonment cannot possibly encourage more serious terroristic acts.
It's not taking them long to, how do you say?, seize and pounce upon this new line of political attack.
Now: Senator Jack Reed is claiming that "attacks on the news media" and the "lock her up" chant encourages violence.
Wolf Blitzer doesn't ask about Democrat/media encouragements to violence, like Cory Booker demanding people "confront" those who disagree with them, or Maxine Waters' demand that her legions of maniacs harass people in public.
And of course they're overlooking Chris Cuomo's active defense of Antifa punching people and Don Lemon's celebration of mobbing people in public.
Hillary Clinton: The time for civility is passed, until we take back power.
Eric Holder: When they go low, we kick 'em.
And yet, right now they're demanding that Trump apologize for his attacks on CNN.
No call for CNN to drop their attacks on Trump, of course.
Some speech, and some lives quite frankly, are just worth more than others, because they're Better!
PS, this is still America. Ignore the fact that an incompetent would-be aristocracy is attempting to assign themselves rights and privileges over the commoners.

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:42 PM
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