« And Here We Go: CNN's David Gregory Declares Sarah Sanders' Criticism of CNN No Longer Permissible; Thug/Governor Andrew Cuomo, Who Once Declared That There Was No Place for Pro-Lifers In His State, Calls for "Civility" in "Discourse" |
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October 24, 2018
You Don't Say: NBC News Soybean Discovers That Twitter Tends to Reveal Almost All Journalists As Bitterly Partisan Left-Wingers
But not Jakey. No, not Jakey. Jakey has a dozen #FakeConservative Men-Made-Wives to swear for his perfect objectivity and the mannishly musky dew of his underballs.
This was left over from yesterday. Am I still allowed to publish it? CNN is telling me every five minutes that the threat to CNN is so grave that no criticism of the organization can any longer be permitted.
Which was, get this!, also their position before the incompetent, nonfunctional device was sent to "John Brenan" (and not CNN specifically).

posted by Ace of Spades at
03:05 PM
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