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October 23, 2018
Politico: The Most Endangered Republican Incumbent Senator, Dean Heller, Just Took the Lead in Nevada and Might Be Securing His Reelection
Blue wave? More like blue balls, am I right?
That joke sucked but am still recovering. I just had a respiratory arrest and had to use my inhaler. Only one time in past 36 hours, though, so that's good.
But anyway, enough about my whining about having, let's face it, just a cold.
Dean Heller might survive a blue wave.
The Nevadan is the only Republican senator running in a state Hillary Clinton carried in 2016, and defeating him is central to any Democratic hopes for winning control of the Senate or preventing Republicans from expanding their 51-49 majority. But Heller has narrowly led Democratic Rep. Jacky Rosen in recent independent polling, and Republicans are increasingly bullish about his chances to pull out a win -- even as Democrats nationally challenge for control of the House.
Rosen crows about her fundraising, but a lot of that comes from out-of-state, especially from California -- Nurse Nancy Pelosi's gang of thieves.
Heller has framed that as a negative: He repeatedly attacked Rosen during a debate Friday for raising money in California, accusing her of shirking her congressional duties in Nevada. The NRSC ran an ad calling for a no vote on Rosen to "kick California out of this Senate race."
Heller has also called Rosen a do-nothing House member with few accomplishments to show for her single congressional term, he has linked her to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Dragging this, let's face it, weakling across the finish line would be a pretty gloat-worthy feat of strength on our part.
Say what you will about him: He's no Ben Sasse. He's the kind of pussy I can tolerate: He's a pussy in a purple-trending-blue state. Not like Ben Sasse, who's a pussy in a state so solidly Republican they're considering enacting an Indian Massacre Appreciation Day.
Not really but you get the point.
Democrats, of course, have been walking back any talk of a "blue wave."
Democrats are tamping down expectations for a "blue wave" two weeks before the midterm elections as key races in the House tighten and winning back the Senate majority looks increasingly out of reach.
Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairman Tom Perez said on CNN's "New Day" that he doesn’t use the term "blue wave," and added that he’s always thought this year’s races would be close.
Separately, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who's campaigning for Democratic candidates, said he doesn't believe in a blue wave.
"I know a lot of people talk about this blue wave. I don't believe it," Sanders told "Rising" Hill.TV co-host Krystal Ball.
"I happen to think that on election night you’re going to find a very close situation and maybe a handful of votes determining whether Democrats are gaining control of the House," he said.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:58 PM
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