« The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition |
October 23, 2018
On the Mend!
Update on my bronchitis and absence yesterday:
Over the weekend, I spent the worst two days of sickness I can remember. I barely slept at all. I was incredibly restless in bed and just kept changing position like a hand of a clock. I had to spend a lot of time sitting on the edge of the bed, because it was easier to breathe sitting up than lying down.
So yesterday, after a night of maybe two hours of sleep gotten in twenty minute segments, I begged the cobs to cover for me.
I had a suspicion that part of the problem was that I was hitting the rescue inhaler -- which I had gotten prescribed on Friday to open up the bronchii of my lungs -- way too much. But I didn't know how much of a choice I had -- I had to breathe, after all.
Well, yesterday I got prescribed prednisone to reduce the inflammation in my lungs and throat, which let me go off the almost-useless-and-easily-abused rescue inhaler. My lungs relaxed and I was able to breathe a lot easier. When I got home I napped (which I usually don't do) for like four hours. Then I went to bed and got almost nine hours of blissfully uninterrupted sleep. The first full night's sleep I've had in over two weeks.
So I feel a lot better. I'm still recovering physically, but emotionally, I feel tremendous. Two weeks of very low (and very poor-quality sleep) had made my brain foggy and had made me pretty raw and edgy as far as stress and emotion.
Open thread until I can get up some real news.
Oh, until then: Ahoy, David!

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:29 PM
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