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October 22, 2018
The Morning Rant

"Does anybody really care that Max Boot, Tom Nichols, and Steve Schmidt have flounced out of the GOP? Or that Bill Kristol and Rick Wilson no longer appear on Fox News? A couple three four decades ago, a bunch of liberal guys showed up in the GOP because they hated the fact that the Democrats that they used to pal around with were way too cozy with the USSR and communism in general. These noobs were referred to as "neo-conservatives", but their anti-communism stance was just about the only thing they had in common with the traditional GOP. Other than that, they were pretty much as liberal as they had ever been. Oh, they adopted some of the other conservative positions to fit in with their new friends, but you could tell their hearts really weren't in it and it didn't go very deep. They were comfortable with a large, expansive federal government and weren't really interested in shrinking it, other than a few tax cuts here and there. This is the group from which most of the 'NeverTrump' crowd comes from. They hate on Trump because he doesn't share their views on unrestricted trade, open borders, and America as the world's police. All financed by going in hock to the Chinese. This is the 'new world order' that Trump basically mooned. And he's got so much support that these erstwhile 'conservatives' are squealing like stuck pigs about the evils of 'populism', by which they mean 'Trump voters.' In other words, they hate us. Always have, actually. Only now it's all out in the open."
This Tweet Did Not Age Well:
"Damn White People and Their..." ( *spins pointer* ) "...Dairy Products:"
"Damn Cishets and Their..." ( *rolls 2 20-sided dice* ) "...Breastfeeding:"
Even Lions Don't Want To Mess With a Mongoose:
Read more about the Sunshine State Einstein here.
Special Note: Ace just called in sick on the cob-o-list a few minutes ago, so today it will be cobs all the way down.

posted by OregonMuse at
11:30 AM
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