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October 19, 2018
Are We Still Believing All Women Or Was That Just for the Kavanaugh Hearings?
Sherrod Brown, Democrat Senator from Ohio.
His ex-wife had previously accused him of domestic abuse, too, though now she's more reluctant to talk about it.
Recchie also sought a restraining order against Brown to keep him from "doing bodily harm" to her. Recchie claimed to be "in fear for the safety and well-being of myself and our children due to [Brown’s] physical violence and abusive nature” and said Brown "intimidated, pushed, shoved and bullied" her on multiple occasions.
A judge granted a seven-count restraining order against Brown. Recchie soon accused Brown of violating the order and said he "pushed me up against the wall with his arms in order to pass and entered the house."
According to a Columbus Dispatch article from 1989, Recchie again accused her ex-husband of violent behavior. This time, she said, Brown pounded on her door so hard that he broke it and assaulted her new husband, Joseph Recchie. Both Recchies filed police reports at the time but did not end up pressing charges.
And now another woman accuses him of making an "uninvited, unwanted, and sudden advance."
Sounds like a pattern of conduct to me.
Can we afford to have this wife-beating likely rapist in the Senate?

posted by Ace of Spades at
11:58 AM
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