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October 16, 2018
Pennsylvania Democrat Official Forced to Step Down from Position for Posting Offensive Meme on FaceBook: "I Stand for the Flag, I Kneel for the Cross"
That's where the Stalinist Democrat party is at.
It's too bad that AllahPundit didn't get his wish and get President Hillary so we could be spared some spicy tweets from Trump and instead be subjected to authoritarian oppression.
By the way, the legal fees that Horseface McBukkake is going to have to pay will "not be insignificant," the New York Times says.
By the way, since the Dainties are all butthurt about the "Horseface" insult, may I suggest Trump use the classier line, "Why the schlong face?"

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:13 PM
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