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October 15, 2018
Krysten Sinema Summoned... Witches
It had to end here.
The Democrats are all so normal and non-insane, it's unbelievable.
Rep. Kyrsten Sinema, the Democratic nominee for U.S. Senate, is not a witch. But she has been known to hang out with witches. It was during the height of the Iraq War when Sinema, then a far-left protest organizer, summoned supernatural help to stop the Iraq War.
Emails obtained by the Washington Examiner show Sinema inviting a prominent group of feminist witches in Arizona called Pagan Cluster to celebrate International Women’s Day and to protest the war in March of 2003. Code Pink protesters wore pink, obviously enough, and the Women in Black wore black. But Sinema encouraged the witches to wear "colorful clothing and come ready to dance, twirl, and stay in touch with your inner creativity and with the Earth."
The Sinema campaign would not say why she invited the witches or clarify why she thought members of the occult deserved a seat at the table during discussions concerning war and peace. The witches in question, it should be noted, claim to practice only nonviolent magic. Per the about section on their webpage, theirs is a peaceful and democratic kind of sorcery.
Out of the broom closet and into the public square, the Pagan Cluster focuses "sharing spiritual insights and participating in direct democracy." Their visions are decidedly liberal and many of their coven "have roots in the Reclaiming Tradition of feminist Witchcraft."
More: The Sinema Sins.
Tell me more about how crazy conventional religions are, Progressives.

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:47 PM
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