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October 18, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
Maybe a taste of totalitarianism is a necessary prerequisite for the preservation of freedom. In the greatest experiment in freedom the world has ever known (that's here, in case it wasn't obvious), we seem to have gone off the rails. Perhaps the people who are suggesting that the "burning times" is a necessary first step on the path to our roots of freedom and self-determination and independence, are correct. Because we are fat and happy and barrelling down the mountain toward a country that has absolutely no sense of any of the things that innervated those very smart men who founded this country.
Hungary Enacts Plans to Ban Gender Studies Courses, Tangles with Soros
The Soros-funded Central European University (CEU) said on Oct. 16 that it was a “major infringement on academic freedom and university autonomy.”
Soros is touted by Orban’s government as public enemy No. 1—as the puppeteer behind leftist influences that Orban says he wants to replace with traditional “Christian values.”
The Hungarian government’s anti-Soros campaign forced his Open Society Foundations to leave the country earlier this year, after creating new rules on influence by foreign organizations.
And look at that! Good old Nazi George is involved, and getting his pet brain-washing project sidelined by the Hungarian government. Why, it's as if the government is trying to conserve the traditional culture of the country, and not let it be subsumed by globalist nonsense in the form of 71 genders and idiotic pseudo-intellectual blather.
I'm trying to think of a reason why the Hungarian people would be wary of a left-wing globalist perspective, and the use of academia to control society. Anyone have any idea why they seem so sensitive? Anything in their history?
I can't tell if this is tongue-in-cheek or serious, but:
pleaseohpleaseohplease....Run Hillary Run!
How Hillary Clinton could win in 2020
China is America's and Western Democracy's biggest challenge, and the willing fools among the Left who cozy up to Chinese money are playing a very dangerous game. They are crying about some existential violation of civilized conduct because the Saudis killed somebody. And yes...it was ham-handed and stupid. But the Chinese do that kind of shit every single day. Why the double standard?
Nails in the Coffin: President Trump Goes 'Postal' On China
Luckily our president takes the Chinese threat seriously, or at least more seriously than Silicon Valley, whose mandarins (SWIDT?) are having masturbatory fantasies about the Chinese markets.
Ace touched on this yesterday, but there is a bit more information...
Do you want to destroy a free society? Then create the perception in its citizens that the government apparatus is not strictly non-partisan and evenhanded; that the servants of the people -- the employees of government -- are not held to the same standards as everyone else. There is a good reason why prosecutors have traditionally taken graft and bribery and other criminality amongst public servants very seriously. It is a powerful signal of the breakdown of the social compact between government and citizen when those who are elected (and chosen by those whom we elected) to serve us violate that agreement.
She needs to spend some quality time in jail, and she can't be the only one. Yes, it is only a start, and she is a very small fish in a very big, very polluted pond, but every little bit counts.
Just in case Hollywood didn't get the message, Here are the box office numbers from last weekend. Most movies do their best numbers the first weekend, so if you extrapolate you will discover that America just gave a big fat "fuck you" to ignoring one of the signature moments of American Exceptionalism in the second half of the 20th century.
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posted by CBD at
11:30 AM
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