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October 10, 2018
The Morning Report - 10/10/18

Good morning kids. Midweek and before we delve into today's links there's a category 4 hurricane in the Gulf that's bearing down on the Florida Panhandle. Prepare as best you can and get the hell out of the area as soon as possible. Stay safe.
Leading off, in the aftermath of the attempted character assassination of now Justice Kavanaugh, we are witnessing a ramping up of the already unhinged rhetoric and physical violence, 100% of which is coming from the Democrat-Left-Media complex, academia and other quarters. While it is individuals such as the Dick Durbin-linked would-be mass assassin James Hodgkinson who are responsible for their actions, it is the manifestly criminally irresponsible rhetoric from the aforementioned party's and movement's most visible leaders that is driving this nation towards disaster. The internecine struggle between the old guard Trotskyites such as Clinton, Schemer and Palsi and the bust-out Maoists like Sandersnista and Loopy Ocasio-Fiasco might be fueling some of this as the former is trying to outdo the latter to hold on to the base. The salient point is the election of President Trump, and all the political and cultural shifts that paved the way for it, are seen by them as a mortal threat to the 100+ year, multi-generational "long march," if you will, to overthrow America as founded and "fundamentally transform" it into something else. Nearly 2 years in to the Trump presidency, the Left has exhausted all of their notionally non-violent yet completely outrageous and illegal efforts to overthrow him or at a minimum to derail his agenda. The nomination and now seating of Brett Kavanaugh I think was a watershed moment. For its part, the GOP most unexpectedly not only stood its ground but grew a spine, fought back and won a not insignificant victory in myriad ways. The only thing really that remains is physical intimidation and outright violence. With the midterms, at least from my perspective, looking more and more doubtful for the Dems, the reaction if they lose yet another election that has been pimped for over a year as "blue wave" is going to be ugly. Or worse. Rush Limbaugh did an extensive segment on an essay from author David Bahnsen, and this quote from his piece (linked below) sums it up rather succinctly:
...The left does not wish to co-exist with the right in this country; they wish to extinguish them. They do not value the liberal order of society, or they would never say something so illiberal as "believe all women." What we are living through right now is an unprecedented level of hate, dishonesty, distrust, and mistreatment. A strong disdain for the ideology of conservatism, of social norms, of Constitutional government, of western civilization - is what it is. But that ideological divide is no longer a merely ideological divide. It really never has been. That transition from worldview to actionable behavior has accelerated faster than I or any humanistic critic could have ever anticipated. And what it means for our national politics and the culture at-large is frightening...
Ace and the Cobs have done yeoman's work hitting all the angles of potential national dissolution hard in the last few weeks or more as have you commenters really since the Obama reign-of-error. Sadly, I'm sure it all will continue to come fast and furious, so to speak, in the run up to the Midterms and beyond. G-d help us.
And as Justice Kavanaugh heard arguments and asked questions on his first day in court, the President was on the campaign trail and at yet another jam-packed rally, the crowd started chanting "lock her up!" but this time it was in reaction to the President mentioning Fein-China Di-Fi. And as if on cue Hillary said that there are big differences between the allegations against Justice Kavanaugh and her husband (how right she is!), Chuck Grassley said the Dems were going try and smear Kavanaugh even as the confirmation votes were about to be cast and some good analysis of what lessons the GOP must learn going forward and Rabbi Dov Fischer on what effect all of this will have on the new justice's future decisions. Meanwhile, a big Arizona Dem donor is being charged with felony sex abuse. But still they persist... mostly in being silent about one of their own.
In First Amendment and Fakery news, Breitbart has an exclusive on a leaked Google memo where execs openly admit to censorship, a Google exec thinks the Kavanaugh confirmation means we should abolish the Senate (you got your 17th amendment and it still didn't help, doofus), Gallup's new poll has the media and politicians in the toilet with the public, an NBC "reporter" doesn't get the response he thought he would from millennials, and a good piece about how the NY Times used love the President's father, until...
On to politics where PDT warns about the consequence of electing Dems, things are looking up for GOP House candidates in Ohio, SCOTUS ruling spells trouble for Heitkamp, Sheldon Whorehouse gets gassed in a debate, NY Dem Dov Hiking not thrilled with Chubby Jello-Brain embracing the Hamas Louse, Krysten Sinema is a disgrace, Brian Schatz is desperate for youth votes, Rush reads between the lines of a Politico story meant to depress GOP voters, Teamster bosses do a bad end zone dance in PA, and a now ex Never-Trumper has seen the light.
In Amnesty and Immigration, PDT calls Dem immigration policy "lethal," Kevin McCarthy is introducing a border wall funding bill, Paul Ryno is a chutzpadik momzer, Corey Stewart draws heat in VA for a pro-ICE rally and another future Democrat illegal alien is sentenced for kiddie porn.
Hey, guess who's back; it's Shaved Guevara whoring for some camera time and belching up drivel, and Wells Fargo is bucking the other big banks and giving Ruger a big loan.
Domestically, McConnell is being urged to go 24/7 to ram through nominees and two have finally been confirmed as assistant A'sG, IBD say nix to ethanol subsidies (meh, we need Grassley happy), they also identify what is obvious about where the shit-holes are in the US and who runs them, the administration is gunning for Chicago's PD consent decree, and the case for breaking up Amazon.
Internationally, in the wake of Nikki Haley's announcement that she's ankling her slot at the UN we look at possible replacements, is the administration caving on Iran oil exports, Stephen Harper sez the US made out well on USMCA, the Saudis might have executed that dissident, and Thailand's military junta loves free elections... as long as they win them.
From hither and yon. Daniel Greenfield on the Left circling the Soros wagon, notes on the Kanye/PDT Diet Coke summit, Prager on the Left's war to destroy our culture and several pieces on FemiNazism, including an outstanding one from FrontPage Mag comparing and contrasting "Bridie Murphy" Ford with a Nobel Peace Prize winning Yazidi woman.
Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.
Hurricane Michael Is a "Monster Storm" - "Do Not Ignore Warnings"
Every Single Thing Is Now Different: The Kavanaugh Moment Is Not Done, It Is Just Beginning (hat-tip to Rush Limbaugh - jjs)
Crowd at Rally Chants "Lock Her Up!" When PDT Mentions...Feinstein
Grassley Says Dems Were Still "Digging" for Reason to Disqualify Kavanaugh on Day of Confirmation Vote
Hillary: Allegations Against Bill Different Than Ones Against Trump, Kavanaugh (yes, Bill's were based in truth - jjs)
Facebook Exec Throws Celebration Party for Kavanaugh Despite Prior Backlash Over His Support
Rabbi Fischer: Because He Is Now a Survivor
Lessons Learned: The GOP Weak Links
"The Good Censor": Leaked Google Briefing Admits Abandonment of Free Speech for "Safety and Civility"
Gallup: Only 20% Have "Great Deal/Quite a Lot" of Confidence in TV News; 11% in Congress
Fred Trump, Middle Class Hero
Google Exec Responds to Brett Kavanaugh Confirmation: "Abolish the Senate" (Wilson got you the 17th Amendment so suck it up, buttercup - jjs)
NBC News "Reporter" Nudges Millennials To Vote Democrat, Gets Surprised
Arizona Dem Donor Charged with Felony Sexual Abuse
PDT: Democrat Immigration Policies Aren't Just Wrong, They're Lethal
House Majority Leader McCarthy to Propose Fully Funding Border Wall
Paul Ryno Predicts "Big Fight" on Border Wall Funding After Midterms (thank you, and f**k you - jjs)
Previously Deported Illegal Alien Now Sentenced for Child Porn
As Large Groups of Illegal Aliens Keep Pouring In, A Majority Have 3 U.S. Destinations in Mind
GOP Senate Candidate Corey Stewart Draws Counter-Protesters with "Support ICE Rally" in Virginia
Trump, Declassification, and Leverage
Supremes Clear Way for Voter ID Requirement in Key Senate Race
PDT Says, "To Drain the Swamp, You Must Defeat the Democrats"
GOP Poised to Hold onto Key House Seats in Ohio's Competitive House Races
Limbaugh: What Will Happen If the Blue Wave Turns Red?
Video: Brutal Debate Takedown of Sheldon Whorehouse Over "Boofing" Interrogation of Kavanaugh
NY Dem Dov Hikind Blasts Kirsten Jello-Brain For Standing with Sarsour the Hamas Louse
McConnell's Senate Should Confirm Nominees Day and Night Until November 6
Sinema Compared Deaths of US Soldiers to Deaths From Illegal Border Crossings (c'mon, Arizona; really? - jjs)
Palsi-Affiliated PAC Sends Cash to Soros-Funded PAC Targeting Infrequent Voters
Turnout Worries: Hawaii Dem Senator Panders to Youth Vote With Incredibly Fawning Tweet
Teamsters Scold Pennsylvania Members for Voting Trump (go occupy an end zone - jjs)
Redemption for the Never-Trumpers?
I Was a Never-Trumper Until Democrats Went Gonzo On Kavanaugh; Now, Hand Me That Red Hat
Shaved Guevara Fears "Someone with Gun Stickers on Their Car" Will Run Her Off the Road" (more likely someone with a Koran on the dashboard, tootsie - jjs)
Wells Fargo Bucks Pressure, Grants New Loan to Ruger Gun Company (they're crooks and down with SJW but it's a win - jjs)
PDT Considering 5 Candidates to Replace Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador
Uh Oh: Trump Administration Examines Path to Waive Iranian Oil Sanctions
Former Canadian PM Stephen Harper: Updated NAFTA Is "Pretty Good Deal" for US
Thailand's Military Junta Pressed for Fair Vote: "They Will Not Go to the Election in Order to Lose" (isn't this really the story of the Democrats? - jjs)
No Safe Haven - The Saudi Regime Appears to Have Butchered a Prominent Dissident
How to Avoid a Bloated Space Force (Space X or Gas-X? - jjs)
Greenfield: The Only Anti-Semitism the Left Can See is Criticizing George Soros
Eric Dreiband and Jeff Clark Will Finally Get a Floor Vote as Assistant A'sG
Ethanol Mandate Wastes Money, Pollutes Air, And Ruins Cars - Don't Expand It, End It (alas, it also stiffens the resolve of Chuck Grassley - jjs)
What Do The Worst-Run States Have In Common? They're Run By Tax-And-Spend Democrats
Break Up Amazon Before It Does Any More Damage to America
The Day of Reckoning for Monsignor Rossi and the Hierarchy
Trump Administration Takes Aim at Chicago's Police Consent Decree
Dems to Try to Force Vote on PDT Roll-Back of Obamacare Insurance Rules
Grievance Studies and Reputational Leaches
USC Students Demand Firing of Professor Who Said "Accusers Sometimes Lie"
Kanye West Headed to White House For Lunch With PDT (invite Shelby Steele too - jjs)
Kanye's Declaration of Independence
Prager: Explaining Leftist Contempt for Middle Class Values
Columbus Day Yes, Indigenous Peoples Day No
Cultural Appropriation and Halloween
How America's Most Prolific Serial Killer Almost Got Away With Murder
#MeToo's Politics of Feeling
A Tale of Two Women
Victims of False Accusations of Rape Need to Be Heard Too