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Wild in the Streets! ONT »
October 05, 2018
Unemployment Falls to 3.7%, The Lowest Level Since Before Man Walked on the Moon
I had thought that Clinton's single quarter of 3.8% unemployment would stand as the all-time post-war low, and that Democrats would always be able to point to that as proof that Socialism Can Work.
Nope! Now there's a new post-war record to beat: Trump's.
From now on, that will be the reference-standard of post-war economic strength.
Not Clinton's weak, cuckish 3.8%.
Has the world blown up yet? Just checking. I keep being told the world will blow up if Trump is president.
Suck a dick, h8rz.
Or, as Dennis Reynolds said in this week's Always Sunny: "Begone from me, you soy-boy beta cuck. Our transaction is complete. BEGONE!!!!"
Murflavsky News:
What a hero. She's doing this so she can claim she technically did not vote against Kavanaugh, and can say "I voted present so that a man could give away his daughter in marriage."
But he didn't need you to do that -- we already had the votes, Cokey McFrostnose.
This is a meaningless gesture -- it's transparently a self-serving fake gesture which is not meant to benefit Gaines, but yourself.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:40 PM
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