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October 06, 2018
Saturday Gardening Thread: October Begins [KT]
Thanks to Illiniwek for the lovely photo above. And for the following:
bulldozer guy cleaned up some old fence rows and turned bad ditches into swales ...
I seeded some clover and turnips but mixed it with bird seed, which took off better than expected.
Sunflowers and I think millet, maybe sorghum came up which I hope will attract turkeys, quail, maybe even pheasant
From Hank Curmudgeon: America isn't ready for the Lanternfly Invasion.
We have heard a little about lanternflies here already. Anybody have stories?
Here's a critter at Illiniwek's place
A new tree
SSG Kane sent in some questions about a new tree, and a photo of himself mulching it in a kilt.
Long time lurker (think Rathergate days) and occasional commenter here.
My wife snapped this picture of the Camperdown elm I planted a few weeks ago. I planted it to replace a towering willow that was dying and becoming a threat to our powerlines. I have two questions im hoping to hordesource answers.
The old willow tree was cut down and stump ground two years ago. When planting the Camperdown I had to cut a six foot section of root away (it was about 6" in diameter) this still left quite a bit of the old root system in place. The roots looked healthy, given how long the tree has been down for. Is there sny danger of the Camperdown root system growing into the old williow root system?
Second question, any tips for winterizing a tree like this for New Enlgand? Based on the insanity of the chipmunks and squirrels, I'm expecting it to be a bad one.
I love the looks of the Camperdown elm, theres one in Brooklyn that I try and visit every time Im down there for drill.
I had never heard of a Camperdown Elm. It is a weeping elm, hailing from Scotland, often compared to a giant bonsai you can stand under (with early training). From the last link:
It has inspired histories, restaurant and neighborhood names. Gardening stuff and photos here.
Anybody have tips on SSG Kane's specific questions?
Gardens of The Horde
Island Girl sent in this lovely double gardenia.
What long week, this magical double beauty came out of nowhere.
Le Garde Vieux has grown something of his own!
The fall Fairy Circle is doing splendidly well. (Small female Saint Bernard for size.)
Nice to know I can grow something.

Well it comes up of its own accord but I will take credit.

If you would like to send information and/or photos for the Saturday Gardening Thread, the address is:
at g mail dot com

posted by Open Blogger at
01:12 PM
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