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October 04, 2018
Ben Sasse, Narcissistic Creep and Loathsome Coward
This strutting soybean is NeverTrump's Plan A, huh?
Yeah. Keep planning, Deposed Masters of the Universe.
You're done. Do you not get that? You perverted conservatism for years into a weak echo of standard-issue urban liberalism that would not overly offend your tony UWS friends.
We found you out. We've made you. We've seen the grift you've been running since Bush I -- and we know from people who served in the Reagan Administration that you were internal saboteurs there, too -- and we're done with it.
Go convince the Democrats to fight your designed-to-be-lost wars for you.
In many ways, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) embodies everything wrong with Washington. He whines about the Senate’s impotence, but has no legislative achievements of his own. He ridicules his colleagues for craving media attention, but is a regular on cable news and Sunday talk shows. As a member of the Judiciary Committee, he has been silent on Spygate and FISAgate and Justice Department corruption, but speaks up whenever he sees an opportunity to criticize a president he did not support. And he threatens to leave his own party while accepting millions of dollars in contributions from Republican donors.
But the first-term senator's speech on Wednesday night about the issues surrounding Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination was a galling performance even by Sasse standards. Aside from a shaky 90-second interaction with Kavanaugh last week, Sasse has not said anything about the Left's political assassination attempt of President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
Speaking to an empty Senate chamber late in the evening, Sasse delivered a weepy, meandering, and self-aggrandizing monologue about our nation’s "decline into tribalism." Without any sense of irony, he accused his colleagues of being "preening and grandstanding senators looking for soundbites." (Sasse is about to embark on his second book tour in as many years.)
The NeverTrumper humblebragged that he advised the president to nominate a woman because "the very important MeToo movement was very new and that this Senate is not at all well-prepared to deal with potential allegations of sexual harassment and assault." Sasse justified his recent absence from social media and cable news (he's been criticized for being MIA while other Republican senators have spoken out), claiming it was “good for his soul." Ew.
Then...it got weird. The senator unleashed an explainer about sex: "Sexuality is a gift. It is an intimacy, it is a oneness that is to be shared and given, never taken. Sex is big, not small, and you don't get to decide it for someone else.” (CRINGE ALERT!) He commended the #MeToo movement because "women and girls have been told that they're meat. They’ve been told this in word and in deed, that they're parts to be consumed." (With fava beans?)
Ben Sasse is the sensitive, caring guy who's always there for you to talk about what assholes other guys are. He's got a nice soft shoulder for you to cry on, and a bag of rufies to slip into your drink the minute you blow your nose.

posted by Ace of Spades at
07:27 PM
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