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CNN Hag Alisyn Camarota: If Kavanaugh Dumped a Drink on Someone in College, I Certainly Think That Makes It Plausible That He Attempted to Rape Someone »
October 02, 2018
The Morning Rant: J.V. Edition
The list of virtue-signalling hypocrisy on the part of the liberal elites is endless. Yet one that is particularly galling is the insistence that any transgression, however trivial and inconsequential is grounds for the destruction of a Supreme Court nominee. This flies in the face of generations of liberal blather about our criminal justice system and our traditional private-industry hiring practices.
Oh, he is a good boy and is rebuilding his life...how can you send him to jail for a triple homicide? Oh...look that the angelic photo of this beautiful young man who was an aspiring rapper! He couldn't possibly be the 6'3" thug who tried to beat the cop to death. How dare society hold him accountable!
Spare me your double standards. Either youthful indiscretions are exactly that, or every single congressman should be investigated and tossed out of Congress. What? You stole a candy bar when you were nine? Off with your head!
NYT: Kavanaugh Once Threw Ice On Some Guy At A Bar
According to a report by The New York Times, Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh once threw ice on a man at a bar during college.
The incident allegedly resulted in an altercation between the man and one of Kavanaugh’s friends, according to a police report written in September 1985.
The NYT reported early Monday that Kavanaugh once started a fight by throwing a beer in someone’s face. Chad Ludington, a former Yale basketball player who socialized with Kavanaugh, said, “On one of the last occasions I purposely socialized with Brett, I witnessed him respond to a semi-hostile remark, not by defusing the situation, but by throwing his beer in the man’s face and starting a fight that ended with one of our mutual friends in jail.”
I believe this one, although the characterization of the precipitating remark is undoubtedly colored by current events. Most of us have similar events in our past, and I do not think less of Kavanaugh for this one. In fact, I think more of him. It suggests that he isn't a boring drone and has some real-world experience.
The article is from last year, but it is an interesting read, especially in light of current events.
Clarence Thomas: My Job Was Worth the Struggle
The relationship between humans, mathematics, and the planet has been one steeped too long in domination and destruction. What are appropriate responses to reverse such a relationship? How do we do work now (inside and outside of schools) that will reverberate and touch the lives of future generations? Drawing upon Indigenous worldviews to reconceptualize what mathematics is and how it is practiced, I argue for a movement against objects, truths, and knowledge towards a way of being in the world that is guided by first principles-mathematx. This shift from thinking of mathematics as a noun to mathematx as a verb holds potential for honouring our connections with each other as human and other-than-human persons, for balancing problem solving with joy, and for maintaining critical bifocality at the local and global level.
Not only is this post-modern blather, but the "professor" looks like a lunatic, and has the same crazy eyes as Ocasio Cortez.
Actually, it isn't blather, it is a careful attempt at avoiding all the yicky difficult stuff in mathematics and focusing on the stuff she can handle, like calling out "white privilege" and racism. You know...typical slack-jawed SJW stuff that passes for scholarship.
Space Potty
Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like.
I removed the photo of a lynched man with the text:
She said he sexually assaulted her.
That was good enough for us.
It was a brutal photo...
Here is a link if you are curious.
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posted by CBD at
11:00 AM
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