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September 21, 2018
CNN's Director of Thumb Programming Chris Cillizza: It Is "Whataboutism" to Ask Why Cory Booker's Admitted Groping-Without-Consent of a Girl Too Drunk To Even Remember The Incident Should Not be Disqualifying From High Office
Cillizza says there's no comparison between the two events -- after all, Booker admitted his near-rape, whereas Kavanaugh has denied his own.
John Sexton notes the problem with Chris Cillizza's latest venomous stupidity:
Let’s step away from the specifics and look at this another way. Is the person who admits to a crime, say bank robbery, a better person than the one who is accused but denies robbing a bank at all? The only fair answer is that it depends on the facts. If the denier is actually guilty and he's lying about it to avoid prison, he’s a worse person than the guy who admitted he's a crook and repented. On the other hand, if he’s innocent and telling the truth about not being a bank robber, then he’s a much better person than the guy who is a bank robber.
This level of nuance seems to penetrate Cillizza's awareness and yet the fact that Kavanaugh could be innocent is literally a parenthetical. That suggests he's not taking this real possibility very seriously. The only fair thing to say here is that we don’t know the truth and therefore we don’t know if Booker's story is better or worse.
I'd go further: I'd guess Cillizza not only believes that Kavanaugh is guilty despite denying the accuastion, but that he also believes Booker is innocent despite confessing to it. I imagine Cillizza thinks that Booker was just apologizing "out of an excess of #MaleAlly Feminist Heroism" or trying to appear #SuperWoke by confessing to sins he didn't even commit.
Twitchy has some good push-back to this potato-shaped individual who wears highly structured suits to hide his girthy shame, including this call-back:

posted by Ace of Spades at
06:31 PM
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