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August 31, 2018
Great White Dope Robert Francis "Blotto" O'Rourke Drove Drunk, At Speeds In Excess of 75 MPH, Crossed Into Oncoming Traffic Lanes Dangerously, Lost Control and Hit a Truck, Then Attempted to Flee Scene When Police Tried to Arrest Him
This is a bit more serious than the previous media take about a young college rascal who just maybe was one drink over the line, huh?
See Instapundit and even Instapundit for more.
Also, The Daily Caller. He hit 0.136 on his blood alcohol reading, and that was after all that high-metabolic-rate felony evasion had burned a lot of booze out of his blood.
Vote for "Blotto" O'Rourke
He'll do for Texas what he did for highway safety.
For Once The Media and Democrats (But I Repeat Myself Did Not Lie): From Broseidon, Czar of the Brocean:
32 Old take: Beto is so dreamy, why he's almost a Kennedy!
New take: Wait, fleeing a drunk driving accident and using his connections to get out of trouble? O'Rourke my ass, he IS a Kennedy.
Trump Tweets:
I will be doing a major rally for Senator Ted Cruz in October. I'm picking the biggest stadium in Texas we can find. As you know, Ted has my complete and total Endorsement. His opponent is a disaster for Texas -- weak on Second Amendment, Crime, Borders, Military, and Vets!
posted by Ace of Spades at
03:01 PM
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