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August 29, 2018
NeverTrumper and Noted Expert (Who Literally Wrote the Book on Being an Expert) Explains That NeverTrumpers Are Required to Vote Against Republicans Until the GOP Spends "Several Cycles in the [Political] Wilderness"
Say, remember when Salon published its #SalonHot25 list of "conservatives" whose twitter feeds Salon readers should follow, and AllahPundit kinda-sorta suggested this was a #FalseFlag wheels-within-wheels conspiracy to discredit the True Conservatives such as himself?
I got a kick out of the Salon piece because I knew the moment I saw it that it would trigger the type of RINO panic evinced by Rush [Limbaugh] in the clip. If the left says yo'’re worth paying attention to, that's mathematic proof that you're not worth paying attention to.
Turns out, maybe many on the list are actually not worth paying attention to, even if Salon has attempted a Reichstag Fire listicle to discredit the Only Real Conservatives in America.
The Expert on All Things, Tom Nichols, who's also a #SalonHot25 alumnus standing proudly beside AllahPundit, says that being a NeverTrumper means voting straight-ticket Democrat like any good Salon reader.
The Expert then elaborated:
Seems like every month another one of these TruCons announces xis intention to vote Democrat from here on out.
It's almost as if the #SalonHot25 and NeverTrumpers aren't just against Trump, but against all conservatives generally.

posted by Ace of Spades at
02:55 PM
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