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Waiting for Ace, Or Someone Like Him »
August 31, 2018
The Morning Rant

"According to the U.S. Constitution, the federal government is forbidden to pass out titles of nobility. This is probably the only article of the constitution that has never been violated. But the problem is, aristocracy is one of life's inescapable concepts. Just because you don't want one doesn't mean you won't get one. This is because homo sapiens has an innate desire to worship something greater than itself. So we may not have the Duke of Hoboken or the Earl of Flatbush, but we've compensated for this by replacing the aristocracy of heredity by the aristocracy of fame. The plebs compensate by our lack of an aristocratic class by worshipping celebrities, i.e. actors, models, musicians, rich guys, politicians, sports stars, notorious criminals, and women with large breasts. Just look at what's going on in Arizona with the passing of John McCain. The non-stop coverage is incredibly over-the-top and far out of proportion to any actual achievement. The way the media has been encouraging and cheerleading all the wretched excess, you'd think he was a Kennedy."
(h/t Anonymous White Male)
When CNN Claims It Has 'Multiple Sources' For A Story:

This. Is CNN.
When You've Lost Geraldo Rivera...
Meanwhile, WTH Has Been Going On In New Mexico?

And here's the icing on the cake:
Charges were dropped against three of the Muslim terrorist trainers because of a legal technicality.
Excuse Me For Asking, But Wouldn't This Make Them *Not* Lesbians?
Uh, Let's Not Shop Here:

I thought this was a PhotoShop, but no,
this is a real store in Sydney, Australia.
It Probably Seemed Like A Good Idea At The Time:

posted by OregonMuse at
11:26 AM
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