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August 16, 2018
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All Hands to the Lido Deck, All Hands to the Lido Deck
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This is a tweet-heavy post so I put them under the jump to keep the CPU demand of the front page lower.
Bill Kristol retweeted this:
Note this is just snark; it's not a denial by Kristol. It's an implied denial, without any actual denial.
Now, as I've said, I don't really think it's sinister that the anti-Trump Kristol would get the anti-Trump dossier. But why is he being so... sneaky about it, as usual?
The wicked fleeth when no man pursueth, as the Bible says. There's no harm in just admitting he read the "Steele" dossier ("Steele" in quotes because I doubt he actually wrote most of it). Unless... he feels a bit of guilt about something else.
Like his magazine's apparent phobia about mentioning "Fusion GPS", maybe? Maybe he feels that there is some... how would you put it.. possible kompromat weighing on him?
Jordan Shachtel dug up this July 23, 2016 tweet from Kristol, noting that he's "read up" on the alleged "Putin-Trump" collusion.
Again: why not just say yes or no? Why is everything about this alleged brave warrior this gutless sneaky-shit?
You'd have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at these two tweets. Despite the Beltway Swabbies desperately trying to re-brand themselves as Centrist Slate, and hoping to ingratiate themselves with the leftist media they hope to soon join, the leftist political/media class keeps kicking them to the curb like they were Kevin D. Williamson peddling an anti-abortion column.
Attempt to find polite common ground: Rejected.
Attempt to find polite common ground: Rejected.
Oh, dear, guys: They may hate you slightly less than they hate the Deplorables, but they hate you too.
One day you'll wake up to that reality.
I know you want to join their club: But they're not going to let you, fellas.
No matter how much you signal that you're not like those other, deplorable conservatives, you're still (I can't believe I'm saying this) too conservative for them.
They have thousands of lifelong liberals to hire and befriend. Why would they pick some desperate Johnny-Come-Latelies?

posted by Ace of Spades at
05:05 PM
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