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August 16, 2018
Scandalous: Head of the INS Declares that the INS Serves The American People, Not the Would-Be Immigrants Whose Applications They Process
Lawrence Eagleburger used to test new foreign service workers by asking them "Which country do you represent?" They'd typically answer by telling him the foreign country they were assigned to.
"No," he'd say. "You represent America."
The INS chief said something similar, something pretty obvious, and of course the media and the Democrats and the NeverTrump rump (but I repeat myself thrice) is going to freak out.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Director L. Francis Cissna on Wednesday defended striking "nation of immigrants" from his agency's mission statement, arguing that his agency ultimately serves the American people.
"Who does the agency serve?" Cissna asked at an event in Washington, D.C., according to a report by the Washington Examiner. "I think there been a misunderstanding of that over the years... People kind of naturally fall into the belief that the individuals that we serve are the people that we interact with every day when we take applications or petitions."
"I don't think that we serve them. We serve the people," Cissna continued. "We serve the American people who have conferred upon the agency a special mission through the Congress to administer these immigration laws."
Via Dave Reaboi, who is shocked that this is now considered shocking.

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:27 PM
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