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August 03, 2018
Surprise! Sarah Jeong Also Attacked -- Satirically, I Imagine -- Cops and All Men, As Well as... the New York Times?
Regarding the New York Times attacks: If the New York Times' line is that she attacked white people as "counter-trolling" white people attacking her (how did she know they were white, btw?), then does that mean she only attacked the New York Times to counter-troll New York Times personnel attacks on her?
Here are her attacks on cops and men ("satirical counter-trolling").
She repeatedly says "Kill All Men," and I don't see any humorous ("satirical") intent lurking behind those statements. She also tosses in a very, very satirical "and fuck white women LOL," because of all the white women trolling her, I guess.
This angry, racist "satirist" also waxed satirically about her future employer:
Note the irony of the below tweet, and the response to it:
Question: If it's okay for an actual New York Times editorial board member to hate the Enemy Media New York Times, how can the New York Times object to anyone else hating it?
posted by Ace of Spades at
04:28 PM
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