August 02, 2018
NYT Hires Virulent Racist for Their Editorial Board;
The Cucks, Get This, Insist That She Should Keep Her Job
The Federalist has an article, where you can see some choice tweets.
Now, if you're keeping score, Cuck French and Cuck Shapiro have thusfar made the following pronouncements, exactly tracking with liberal opinion on each matter, curiously enough:
* Cuck French and Cuck Shapiro both called for the firing of Roseanne Barr over one allegedly racist tweet.
* Then Cuck French and Cuck Shapiro came to the defense of a strident anti-Trump liberal, James Gunn, when old tweets resurfaced in which he made rape jokes and pedophilia jokes. Again, they decided that unlike the Roseanne Barr case, corporations should not fire people over old tweets. They conceded that corporations could do this but argued they shouldn't -- curiously, an argument they entirely overlooked in the case of a Trump supporter.
Now the New York Times has hired a left-wing with a disturbing and very long history of anti-white racism -- not Roseanne's single tweet about someone who, let's face it, is whiter than most white people -- Cuck French and Cuck Shapiro again ride to a left-winger's rescue. Because of course they do.
Yes, I know they both offering some criticism of the Times for racism and double-standards, but they both come down saying "Good for the Times" in keeping this racist on their payrolls.
They didn't say that about Roseanne Barr. And they can't say that Roseanne Barr's tweet was especially heinous, because it was RACIST, because the New York Times' new racist just tweets one racist tweet after another.
It just sounds like they support the leftist caste system. Probably because they know that supporting the leftist caste system on speech buys them some latitude from the left when the left goes scalp-hunting. They get to play their "But we've been on your side every step of the way, can you give us a pass?" card.
And to LDoren, I say: Correct.
Actually, as a respondent to that tweet noted, we do have exactly that caste system, and we have a lot of "conservative" defenders of that very caste system.
The New York Times' Response: The Targets of Her Racial Hatred Made Her Racist Against Them. Ah. Yes. Of course.
I'm pretty sure most racists say this -- the Jews made me hate the Jews, the blacks made me hate the blacks, etc.
You don't often find a racist saying, "I hate X group of people, but my reasons for that hatred are very poorly founded and, I gotta say, they don't deserve any of my hatred. I'm just kind of completely irrational on this subject, if I'm being honest."
Will this be a generally-available excuse for racism going forward for the New York Times, or is it just available in cases of anti-white racism?

posted by Ace of Spades at
01:49 PM
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