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July 25, 2018
Progress? Pastor Imprisoned by Turkey for Alleged "Terrorism" Moved from Jail to House Arrest, On Orders of Court
Erdogan's still keeping him close enough to kill, unfortunately.
I assume Turkey is wholly a dictatorship now, and so any court ordering this probably did so at Erdogan's request.
It was only last week when we learned that efforts to have the charges against American Pastor Andrew Brunson dismissed in Turkey had been rejected. The falsely imprisoned pastor was returned to his prison cell after that. But now, with little warning, the situation in Turkey has changed. While not releasing him or dismissing the charges, a Turkish court has ordered Brunson moved to house arrest rather than remaining in his cell. It’s a humanitarian gesture which may indicate progress in our dealings with Turkish tyrant Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
posted by Ace of Spades at
03:59 PM
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