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July 24, 2018
Of Course: "We Don't Tip Terrorist" Note Written at Top of Receipt Revealed to be Another Hate Hoax Lie
The restaurant banned the customer without, apparently, inquiring too much about whether this was real, or whether this looked just like the waiter's handwriting.
The local newspaper pushed this story for a week without wondering whether maybe Khalil Cavil is the person who doesn't understand that it would be "we don't tip terrorists" not the gibberish "we don't tip terrorist."
And now another fake hate hoax has consumed America -- and brought fear and hatred on to the head of a completely-innocent person -- just because cowardly corporations and craven newspapers are absolutely determined to push Social Justice Warrior hoaxes without any fact-checking at all, because Face Checking Is Racist Now.
From CBS News:
On the bill, Khalil's name was circled and the words, "we don't tip terrorist," were written at the top.
Cavil wrote in his post, which was deleted as of Tuesday morning: "I share this because I want people to understand that this racism, and this hatred still exists. Although, this is nothing new, it is still something that will test your faith." Cavil's Facebook page also appears to have been deleted.
Saltgrass originally said it had banned the customer blamed for the message. But now, the restaurant's corporate office says it has learned the story was a hoax.
Saltgrass' treatment of customers is A++++.
"After further investigation, we have learned that our employee fabricated the entire story," Terry Turney, COO of Saltgrass Steak House, told the Odessa American in a statement. "The customer has been contacted and invited back to our restaurant to dine on us. Racism of any form is intolerable, and we will always act swiftly should it occur in any of our establishments.
"Falsely accusing someone of racism is equaling disturbing," Turney said.
It is equally disturbing -- which is why Saltgrass Steak House should be boycotted.
They participated in a completely false hoax. Boycott these fuckers until they are Made to Care.
And who wants to get accused of racism just to eat a shitty chain's steak?

posted by Ace of Spades at
12:53 PM
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